Hi, I am having issues with the http://platform.twitter.com/anywhere.js

In IE8 it seems to fail somewhere and the twttr.anywhere function is never
created. There is some debug version of the js so I can, well, debug it?
Can't really share the url of the site since it's not online yet...

It is happening only in a page where the twitter share button is also
implemented. In all the other pages where there is no twitter button is
working Ok also it is working Ok with other browsers.

This is the code of an anchor being "buttonized":

<a href="http://twitter.com/share"; class="twitter-share-button"



data-text="My new wish is: Words that Sell, Revised and Expanded Edition:
The ..."


Any ideas?


Mauro Sebastián Asprea

E-Mail: mauroasp...@gmail.com
Mobile: +34 654297582
Skype: mauro.asprea

Algunos hombres ven las cosas como son y se preguntan porque. Otros sueñan
cosas que nunca fueron y se preguntan por qué no?.
George Bernard Shaw

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