It's great to see progress on this! The real test though will be
whether future reported documentation errors can be fixed immediately
by Twitter staff once verified. Refreshing documentation every 6 - 12
months is something, but far from ideal. Hopefully the recent efforts
by Twitter staff to work on documentation, fix bugs and close out
issues is a sign of continuous improvement. Keep it up! :)

As for feedback on the current documentation: I think the biggest
issue is that the navigation makes it very difficult to find a method
if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. It would be useful
if more than one node in the menu could be expanded at a time (make it
a real tree, with an expand all) and even better would be a single
page with all methods with brief descriptions inline.


On May 4, 12:50 pm, Arnaud Meunier <> wrote:
> Hey Developers!
> You might have noticed that we started updating our developer portal
> yesterday, starting with the replacement of the old Twurl console with
> Apigee's. If you've never tried Apigee's test console, you should take a
> look at it! It's a great tool to test and debug your API calls, and we hope
> you'll like it as much as we do:
> On the documentation side, we updated our Twitter libraries page, cleaning
> and merging our old OAuth + Twitter sections. We know lots of you access our
> resources through open-sourced libraries, so let us know if you think we're
> missing a good one:
> We've also been working on our API resources documentation (all of them are
> listed in the right sidebar on
> - Deprecated resources are now grouped in a new "Deprecated resources"
> category (for example On their
> doc pages we've recommended a new or replacement method you should use
> instead.
>  - New lists resources have been documented (8 List, 5 ListMembers and 4
> ListSubscribers resources)
> - Redundant streaming resources have been removed and redirected (all
> streaming API methods can be found 
> on
> - Lots of other API resources have been updated to reflect the way they're
> actually working today.
> We know accurate documentation is important for you guys, so please let us
> know if you think some of our API resources documentation still need some
> love. We'd love your feedback :)
> Arnaud / @rno

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