Is there any step by step tutorial available to do this? Help

On Jun 8, 9:14 pm, Scott Wilcox <> wrote:
> You need to use OAuth to use the Twitter API. Having users enter a username 
> and password to gain an OAuth token is achieved via xAuth which is a special 
> type of OAuth flow that requires approval for your app from Twitter.
> On 8 Jun 2011, at 17:12, shamm wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to create a Twitter application using C++, that could send
> > tweets. I need a custom login where users could actually enter there
> > own usernames and password to login thus send tweets thereafter.
> > I have googled and found out about twitcurl, but yet i was unable to
> > send tweets with it. Is there any example where i could use in order
> > to send a tweet (with custom login) ?
> > at the moment i am clueless i have been searching for this for the
> > past 2 weeks.
> > Help appreciated.
> > regards
> > shamm
> --
> Scott Wilcox
> @dordotky | |
> +44 (0) 7538 842418 | +1 (646) 827-0580

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