Here is a dump of $signatureBaseString


On Jun 15, 10:34 am, Taylor Singletary <>
> Hi Jeff,
> This is close to what I'm looking for -- it has the authorization header
> which is important to see -- but what will really help us debug with you is
> the signature base string -- it's a string that contains many of the same
> values from the authorization header but presented in a specific format --
> this is the string that is signed to create your oauth_signature. This
> signature base string is usually the key to all OAuth problems, as the order
> of parameters and particular encoding of them in relation to the parameters
> on your query string or POST body are extremely important and somewhat
> fragile.
> I'm not sure which version of EpiOAuth you're using, but there's likely a
> method similar to this one. The value you want to debug/capture here is
> $signatureBaseString.
>  protected function generateSignature($method = null, $url = null,
> $params = null)
>   {
>     if(empty($method) || empty($url))
>       return false;
>     // concatenating and encode
>     $concatenatedParams =
> $this->encode_rfc3986($this->buildHttpQueryRaw($params));
>     // normalize url
>     $normalizedUrl = $this->encode_rfc3986($this->normalizeUrl($url));
>     $method = $this->encode_rfc3986($method); // don't need this but why not?
>     $signatureBaseString = "{$method}&{$normalizedUrl}&{$concatenatedParams}";
>     return $this->signString($signatureBaseString);
>   }
> @episod <> - Taylor
> Singletary
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Jeff <> wrote:
> > Taylor,
> > Thanks for the response. Hopefully, this is what you need. I dumped it
> > right before the request.
> > [
> >   "Expect:",
> >   "Authorization: OAuth realm=\"http:\/\/\/1\/followers
> > \/ids.json\",
> >                   oauth_consumer_key=\"OlPht6d2h3N1XYwCpCyx5Q\",
> >                   oauth_token=\"130232354-
> > gI42iFYrX1Mtn72N5y1yr3WYSeQ6hfpposibfxY\",
> >                   oauth_nonce=\"71cc67f647043054dbd640b9b1f3d8fc\",
> >                   oauth_timestamp=\"1308151065\",
> >                   oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",
> >                   oauth_version=\"1.0\",
> >                   oauth_signature=\"lYen9ON%2B5bVah%2BBHVGnPCMqBXQ8%3D
> > \"",
> >   "User-Agent: "
> > ]
> > On Jun 15, 10:05 am, Taylor Singletary <>
> > wrote:
> > > This means that your signing is slightly wrong (and likely has been
> > slightly
> > > wrong for some time) when you're using parameters in your request. Can
> > you
> > > detail the signature base string and authorization header you are using
> > when
> > > building this request?
> > > @episod <> - Taylor
> > > Singletary
> > > On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Jeff <> wrote:
> > > > Tuesday morning around 10am CDT I noticed a change in the API
> > > > endpoint /version/followers/ids in how it operates.
> > > > If you provide the cursor parameter, such as:
> > > > /1/followers/ids.json?cursor=-1&user_id=12345 the method returns data
> > > > correctly, however it also return the error warning "Invalid OAuth
> > > > credentials detected". Here is the response from the API.
> > > >   "data":{
> > > >      "responseText":"{\"previous_cursor\":0,\"next_cursor_str\":\"0\",
> > > > \"previous_cursor_str\":\"0\",\"ids\":
> > > > [222126862,95945240,169607024,148845934,95447204,94401716],
> > > > \"next_cursor\":0}",
> > > >      "headers":{
> > > >         "Date":"Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:39:54 GMT",
> > > >         "Server":"hi",
> > > >         "Status":"200 OK",
> > > >         "X-Warning":"Invalid OAuth credentials detected",
> > > >         "X-Transaction":"1308148794-15054-58845",
> > > >         "X-RateLimit-Limit":"150",
> > > >         "X-Frame-Options":"SAMEORIGIN",
> > > >         "Last-Modified":"Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:39:54 GMT",
> > > >         "X-RateLimit-Remaining":"66",
> > > >         "X-Runtime":"0.02003",
> > > >         "Content-Type":"application\/json; charset=utf-8",
> > > >         "Content-Length":"150",
> > > >         "Pragma":"no-cache",
> > > >         "X-RateLimit-Class":"api",
> > > >         "X-Revision":"DEV",
> > > >         "Expires":"Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT",
> > > >         "Cache-Control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-
> > > > check=0, post-check=0",
> > > >         "X-MID":"c7827d770b9045b049f3967663b08dce7704a9fb",
> > > >         "X-RateLimit-Reset":"1308150383",
> > > >         "Vary":"Accept-Encoding",
> > > >         "Connection":"close"
> > > >      },
> > > > The problem here is that because it thinks the OAuth credentials are
> > > > "Invalid" it gives me a rate limit of 150.
> > > > If I remove the parameters "?cursor=-1&user_id=12345" and simply use
> > > > the endpoint /1/followers/ids.json it accepts my OAuth credentials as
> > > > valid and and returns the appropriate rate limit of 350. Although this
> > > > works, I need pagination as there are a lot of ids I need to retrieve.
> > > > This had been working correctly and I noticed the change yesterday
> > > > morning.
> > > > Any help on resolving this or letting me know if something has changed
> > > > when parameters are used with this endpoint would be greatly
> > > > appreciated.
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Jeff
> > > > --
> > > > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> >
> > > > API updates via Twitter:
> > > > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> > > >
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> > > >!forum/twitter-development-talk
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> > API updates via Twitter:
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> >
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