Ann wrote:
> I don't really know what to do with TMemoryStream... i need TStringList
> ... the site isn't that big, so it should be any problem... But i still
> don't know how do i convert the recived stream to TStringList... ;-(

I'm sorry, but I strongly suggest that you learn Delphi by a far smaller
project before you start a multithreaded HTTP application.

BTW: This is not a Delphi tutorial list. Find out such basic things by
yourself. There's an online help, there's the big FAQ Google and there
are examples in your Delphi directory.  

Arno Garrels

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Francois Piette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ICS support mailing" <>
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 9:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Re[4]: [twsocket] Multithreaded http...
>>>> in On requestDone:
>>>> THttpCli(Sender).RcvdStream
>>> But how do i convert it to StringList ?
>> Convert the received stream to a string list ? Arno told you:
>>     AStream.Seek(0, sofromBeginning);
>>     StringList.LoadFromStream(AStream);
>> But if you want to convert to a string list for analysis, it is probably
>> not the most efficient way to do that. You should probably use a
>> TMemoryStream and direction use the data in memory : 
>> var
>>     P : PChar;  // Will point to HTML data (or whatever data you
>> received)     N : Integer; // Will contains the number of bytes
>> begin
>>     P := PChar((THttpCli(Sender).RcvdStream as TMemoryStream).Memory);
>>     N := THttpCli(Sender).RcvdStream.Size;
>>     // Now you can use P and N to analyse the document received. Very
>> fast. 
>> // Don't forget to free the stream when processing is done or you'll
>> have a memory leak. 
>> --
>> --
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