Maurizio Lotauro worked hard on the authentication routines into HTTP client
component. His work is ready for testing. You can download it from ICS
download page.

Here are some of his words:

> Hello Francois,
> attached you found the result of two weeks of hard work.
> It was very complicated because before the proxy and web server
> authentication were handled as they are indipendent but they aren't.
> The same were applied to Basic and NTLM: they are dependent because
> for example one could be used for proxy while the other for web
> server.
> I made extensive tests with an ISA Server under various conditions.
> For example wrong passwords, repeat the get when the connection is
> still opened and so on. Every time that I touched the code I repeat
> all tests, and this take a lot of time.
> In any case I think that it is preferable that this version will be
> released as beta. It is possible that not all proxy are reacting in
> the same way (by design or because they are buggy) so it will better
> if other people will test it before an official release.
> As sayd I made extensive tests, but only using the Get method.
> I removed some code, some is commented (marked with *ML*). I take
> this decision because keeping all the old code will made the code
> very hard to read.
> I made my best to follow your coding style and naming convention :-)
> Main changes are:
> - removed the TXXXAuthType type and the variables of that types
> - properties Username and Password will no more replaced by the
> credential contained in the URL. Two new variables are introduced
> FCurrUsername and FCurrPassword. These will contain the credential
> in the URL (if specified), otherwise the content of the property.
> - same logic for Connection and ProxyConnection (introduced
> FCurrConnection and FCurrProxyConnection)
> And now a side effect of all this work. I hope you will like it :-)
> - introduced two new properties: ServerAuth and ProxyAuth. When they
> contain and authentication scheme name (actually Basic or NTLM) and
> credential are specified then the component will start the
> authentication immediatly, i.e. wihout waiting for Status Code 401 or
> 407. In this case the Options value will not take into account.
> That's all for now.
> Bye, Maurizio.


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