> When my FTP client send the PORT command, i received from the server :
> 'ORT' command not understood.

This is unfortunately reasonably common, but is not specifically an ICS 
problem, I saw it with both WS_FTP and ICS client today, talking to 
Serv-U FTP server.  More commonly I just see "500 'RT': command not 
understood".  So I simply retry the command on the error, ie:

ret := RestGet ;   // resume download into LocalFileName
if (NOT ret) and (StatusCode = 500) and
                                        (Pos ('RT', ErrorMessage) > 1) then
  doCopyEvent (LogLevelDiag, 'Repeating Command, Corrupted PORT Bug') ;
  sysDelayX (500) ;
  ret := RestGet ;
end ;

WS_FTP was also aware of the problem, closed the connection and retried 
the command. 


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