
As an update to this comment from you:

>>>>>> start of copied:
The url doesn't correspond to a HTTP server. It
doesn't return a valid HTTP reply, so the HTTP client component can't work
correctly with that. You should use the simple TWSocket to query this
>>>>>> end of copied

The ICS HttpGet with or without the http:// (new updated version 26 May
2005),  still does not show the browser output: Received 0 bytes.

So, I went with another ICS program:
I have taken the your SocksTst.dpr, Socks1.pas, and Socks1.dfm from the ICS
download and reworked it into the program to update my computer's time. I
left the name and credits to you inside the program. It is for personal use.

Thanks for including the samples in the ICS download.


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