Hi all,
I'm trying to implement the client server architecture described here: 
My first approach was with Indy 10, but after some attempts, I found quite 
difficult to manage the complexity of multithread programming, so I dropped 
Indy and now I'm trying ICS.
I had a positive experience with ICS HTTP and mail components some years 
ago and I feel more comfortable with event handling than multithreading...

I found a very useful example here http://tinyurl.com/cqkmh , Server1.zip : 
thank you Wilfried :)
I studied also the ICS FAQ about receiving high speed data 

Starting from various TCP client inlcuded in ICS examples, I tried to send 
through TWSocket a mix of text commands and records but I wasn't successful.

Assuming a given record and his pointer...

PTMyRec = ^TMyRec;
TMyRec = packed record

... and following the protocol implemented in the above mentioned example 
(server1.zip) I'm trying to send a text command followed by a record.

I tried this way from a generic client:

   pr : PTMyRec;
   r : TMyRec;
   wsocket.LineMode := True;
   WSocket.SendStr(EditCommand.Text + #13#10); // the command is 'DATA '
   // r fields filled with some data
   pr := @r;
   wsocket.LineMode := False;
   wsocket.Send(pr, SizeOf(r));

On the server, I receive correctly the text command but not the record.
What I'm doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for your replies.
Geppy Piloni

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