Hello Angus,

I tried your component on two Windoes XP SP1 PCs. Both are
IBM ThinkPad laptops, two different models though. On one of them
it works, capturing only inbound traffic. This is ok. On the other
one, I got the error below (using raw socket, not pcap) and right
after that I got a blue screen with memory dump. After rebooting,
I tried the second time. I got the same error but the PC didn't
reboot. Any ideas why I'm getting the error and why it crashed?
The error shown in the log window:

Failed to Start Monitor - Error 10022 in function WSAIoctl(SIO_RCVALL)
Invalid argument

Best regards,

Friday, November 11, 2005, 12:19:00 PM, you wrote:

>> I remember seeing an example using WinXP raw socket to
>> sniff network traffic. Raw socket support has been added
>> to ICS (but I have no experience with it yet.) I wonder if
>> ICS raw socket can be used to sniff traffic sent to local
>> PC?

> My Internet Packet Monitoring Components can be downloaded from 
> http://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/, and will monitor using either raw 
> sockets or winpcap.  

>> Basically, I'd like to know the IP and MAC address of the default
>> gateway. If not raw socket, any other ways to know that?
>> I can probably use winpcap to sniff the traffic but I would
>> not use it if I don't have to.

> You can use my Internet Protocol Helper Component, same URL (or the 
> Usermade ICS page), to read the PC IP routing table which will give you
> the IP of the next hops for various destination addresses, since there
> may be multiple gateways.  The ARP table gives you the MAC for the IPs
> you found.  There's a demo program that lists all this stuff. 

> Angus

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