Damn... its not working with .zip files... those are Headers sent by 
me, and i need headers recived in response :/ I know i wrote it 
worked before but it wasnt... it only worked with .txt or .html 
file... any further help?

---- Wiadomość Oryginalna ----
Od: Fastream Technologies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Do: ICS support mailing <twsocket@elists.org>
Data: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:21:12 +0200
Temat: Re: [twsocket] File download

> Sorry that was for response header. Here is the code I use:
> void __fastcall httpServerClientClass::
> *Sender,
> AnsiString Method,
> *Headers)
> {
>         /* From RFC2616
>                       | request-header = Accept                   
; Section 
> 14.1
>                       | Accept-Charset           ; Section 14.2
>                       | Accept-Encoding          ; Section 14.3
>                       | Accept-Language          ; Section 14.4
>                       | Authorization            ; Section 14.8
>                       | Expect                   ; Section 14.20
>                       | From                     ; Section 14.22
>                       | Host                     ; Section 14.23
>                       | If-Match                 ; Section 14.24
>                       | If-Modified-Since        ; Section 14.25
>                       | If-None-Match            ; Section 14.26
>                       | If-Range                 ; Section 14.27
>                       | If-Unmodified-Since      ; Section 14.28
>                       | Max-Forwards             ; Section 14.31
>                       | Proxy-Authorization      ; Section 14.34
>                       | Range                    ; Section 14.35
>                       | Referer                  ; Section 14.36
>                       | TE                       ; Section 14.39
>                       | User-Agent               ; Section 14.43
>         */
>         // here headers contains all the headers as a string list
> }
> Best Regards,
> SZ

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