
I was also thingking wy there is an OnDataSent. Also I checked the code
where I send witch should give an exeption eather coming from my code or
fromt TWSocket if it is closed:

      if FLogEvents then
         TriggerLogEvents('Sending TCP packet');
      if FCli.State <> wsConnected then
         raise ECustomMDOTClient.Create('Error, socket is not connected');
      FCli.Send(Data, Len);
      on E: Exception do

The FCli.Send should give an 10057 and it is not. Hmm maybe I need lot's
of coffee...

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Monday, January 16, 2006, 10:54, Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:

> Hello Arno,

>> I think it is impossible that OnSessionClosed is fired twice, because
>> it is always checked whether FCloseInvoked = FALSE.
>> Isn't it possible that there are multiple instances?

> I just ahve posted same message again, sorry for that (need some
> coffee). No there is only 1 instance that is the strange thing. The
> TWSocket is created in constructor and destroyed in destructor. Both are
> only called in program startup and terminate. Very strange.

> ---
> Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
> http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html
> http://www.mestdagh.biz

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