
You can use OnSessionConnected. In that event you can send your
autorisation string.

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Friday, February 3, 2006, 04:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi
> this question is about your socketspy program since it so nice =)
> I was wondering something for what i'm trying to do and that is close remote
> socket and keep local connection still alive by not informing it that the
> remote socket has closed. I am doing it like this and commenting out the
> session closed event so that my server does not know the connection was
> terminated.

> procedure TMain.RemoteSessionClosed(Sender: TObject; Error: Word);
> begin
>  //  with TWSocket(Sender).Owner as TClient do ShutDown(1);
> end;

> The local loopback connection still remains open which is what i want and
> then I attempt to connect the remote socket to another ip address and port
> by setting addr and port and then calling "connect". The problem is
> the destination is waiting for me to send an authorization packet and I
> can't do something like cli.remotesocket.sendstr(str); right after i attempt
> to connect because the socket state is still wsConnecting and isn't
> connected yet. How can i send the needed packet when i connect to the new
> destination, is there an OnConnect() event in ICS that my remote socket
> could use to send this packet? So the whole goal to what i want to do is use
> socket spy, at some point into the debug session of remote app close
> connection to remote server but not the server then reenter new ip and port
> for remote socket and connect back out so the server can just pick back up
> like it never knew anything was terminated. Thanks for great demos on ICS
> and good support.

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