Don't know but did you "Receive" data before ProcessMessage ?

OnDataAvailable will be triggered until you read received data.

Other thing, you should not do such repeat/until upon Send but better
use OnDataSent event to manage sending next record(s).

IM> Hi,
IM> Please look at the code below.
IM> .
IM> .
IM> .
IM>       try
IM>            try
IM>                 Query.Open;
IM>                 OnDataSent := DataWasSent;
IM>                 // DataWasSent sets "SentOk" to True
IM>                 while not Query.EOF do
IM>                 begin
IM>                      Rec    := PrepareRec(true);
IM>                      Rec.AllDist := Rec.AllDist - D;
IM>                      Rec.Count := RecCount;
IM>                      SentOk := false;
IM>                      Send(@Rec, SizeOf(TRec));
IM>                      repeat
IM>                           ProcessMessages;
IM>                      until SentOk;
IM>                      Query.Next;
IM>                 end;
IM>            except
IM>                 on E: Exception do
IM>                      Display(ExecuteCommand1 - %s', [E.Message]);
IM>            end
IM>       finally
IM>            Query.Close;
IM>            OnDataSent := nil
IM>       end;

IM> The code is executed from OnClientDataAvailable of an TWSocketServer. 
IM> When the execution reach the "repeat .. until SentOk", on 
IM> ProcessMessages the code is reentered a second time.

IM> What am I doing wrong?

IM> 10x,
IM> Ionut Muntean

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