Guillaume MAISON wrote:
> And, this is the strangest part, i have the ProcHttpSocketError which is
> triggered, due to an exception which is in WSocket : 
> procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.SetSocksLevel(newValue : String);
> begin
>      if State <> wsClosed then begin
>          RaiseException('Can''t change socks level if not closed');
>          Exit;
>      end;
>      if (newValue <> '4')  and (newValue <> '5') and
>         (newValue <> '4A') and (newValue <> '4a') then begin
>          *This one is triggered* --> RaiseException('Invalid socks level.
> Must be 4, 4A or 5.'); 
>          Exit;
>      end;
>      FSocksLevel := UpperCase(newValue);
> end;
> And, effectively, the NewValue is '', as i don't need it....

> Arno Garrels a écrit :
>> Guillaume MAISON wrote:
>>> In that case, the property SocksLevel should be initialized at the
>>> component creation with a value. Which is not the case in the
>>> source code... As i've not changed my code...
>> Strange I don't have that problem. It is assigned default value '5'
>> in both V5 and V6 see WSocket.pas and OverbyteIcsWSocket.
>> procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.AssignDefaultValue;
>> begin
>>     inherited AssignDefaultValue;
>>     ...
>>     FSocksLevel          := '5';

> Well, the problem comes from HttpProt (1768) in the
> THttpCli.DoBeforeConnect procedure. 

Yes, you are right, it probably needs to be set in THttpCli.Create
to the value of FCtrlSocket.SocksLevel, could you find the difference
between release and beta?


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