Hello Dod,

> The connection will be
> aborted   after   the   number   of   retransmissions   specified   by
> TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered.

Does this means that there should be also a property
TcpMaxDataRetransmissions ?

And I also think this will have impact if there is many packet loss. Or
do I miss something ?

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 10:13, Dod wrote:

> Hello,

> About  KeepAlive,  here  is  what  I found in a old TCP-IP NT5.0 white
> paper from Microsoft.

> TCP  Keep-alive Messages

> A  TCP keep-alive packet is simply an ACK with the sequence number set
> to  one  less  than  the current sequence number for the connection. A
> host  receiving  one  of  these  ACKs will respond with an ACK for the
> current  sequence  number.  Keep-alives can be used to verify that the
> computer  at  the  remote  end of a connection is still available. TCP
> keep-alives   can  be  sent  once  every  KeepAliveTime  (defaults  to
> 7,200,000 milliseconds or two hours), if no other data or higher level
> keep-alives  have been carried over the TCP connection. If there is no
> response  to a keep-alive, it is repeated once every KeepAliveInterval
> seconds.  KeepAliveInterval  defaults  to 1 second. NetBT connections,
> such  as  those  used  by  many  Microsoft networking components, send
> NetBIOS  keep-alives  more  frequently, so normally no TCP keep-alives
> will  be sent on a NetBIOS connection. TCP keep-alives are disabled by
> default,  but  Windows  Sockets  applications  can  use the SetSockOpt
> function to enable them.

> Registry key start from :
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\

> KeepAliveInterval
> Key: Tcpip\Parameters
> Value Type: REG_DWORD-Time in milliseconds
> Valid Range: 1-0xFFFFFFFF
> Default: 1000 (one second)
> Description: This parameter determines the interval between keep-alive
> retransmissions  until  a  response  is  received.  Once a response is
> received,  the  delay  until the next keep-alive transmission is again
> controlled  by  the  value  of  KeepAliveTime.  The connection will be
> aborted   after   the   number   of   retransmissions   specified   by
> TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered.

> KeepAliveTime
> Key: Tcpip\Parameters
> Value Type: REG_DWORD-Time in milliseconds
> Valid Range: 1-0xFFFFFFFF
> Default: 7,200,000 (two hours)
> Description:  The  parameter controls how often TCP attempts to verify
> that  an  idle  connection  is  still  intact  by sending a keep-alive
> packet.  If  the  remote system is still reachable and functioning, it
> will  acknowledge  the keep-alive transmission. Keep-alive packets are
> not sent by default. This feature may be enabled on a connection by an
> application.

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