Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> Unfortunately the callback requires a window handle as well.
> But zero is fine for the handle.  I use this code in a DLL to close
> a database on inactivity.

Thanks Angus, sometimes, especially after a 16 hours day it may
happen that I even forget the meaning of a simple callback, it's high
time to go fishing ;-)  

> Angus
> procedure TimerProc (Wnd: HWnd; Msg: Integer; Id: Integer;
> CurrentTime: DWord) ; stdcall ;
> begin
>    SetTimerEnabled (false) ;
>    doDBClose ;
> end;
> procedure SetTimerEnabled (const Value: Boolean);
> begin
>   if TimerEnabled = Value then Exit;
>   if Value then
>   begin
>     TimerHandle := SetTimer (0, 0, TimerInterval, @TimerProc) ;
>   end
>     else
>   begin
>     if TimerHandle <> 0 then
>      begin
>         KillTimer (0, TimerHandle) ;
>         TimerHandle := 0 ;
>      end;
> end;
>   TimerEnabled := Value;
> end;
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