I would recommend you news://forums.borland.com ; there are both Delphi and 
C++ newsgroups. After having said this, I cannot tell you the answer to your 
question unfortunately as I do have no idea! ;(



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Dammeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'ICS support mailing'" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:03 PM
Subject: [twsocket] [OT] Embedding ActiveX licenses in Delphi

> My apologies for this off topic post but I'm not even sure where to ask
> this.
> I've got National Instruments ActiveX controls running in a test
> application.  The Delphi Wrapper created when importing the control into
> my development environment appears to have also brought in the license
> string similar to the LICREQST.EXE app from Microsoft.
> In the wrapper it creates:
> TCWDSP = class(TOleControl)
> Private
>    procedure InitControlData; override;
> procedure TCWDSP.InitControlData;
> const
>  CLicenseKey: array[0..62] of Word = ( $006F, $006E, $0070, $006E,
> ...
>  CControlData: TControlData2 = (
>    ClassID: '{4EE5F083-54CF-11D0-8B74-0020AF31CEF9}';
>    EventIID: '';
>    EventCount: 0;
>    EventDispIDs: nil;
>    LicenseKey: @CLicenseKey;
>    Flags: $00000000;
>    Version: 401);
> begin
>  ControlData := @CControlData;
> end;
> On the target system I run regsvr32 with the file.ocx to register it.
> But when I run the application the unlicensed control is displayed.
> National Instruments which doesn't support Delphi doesn't know how to
> help me.  Their C solutiuon is:
> 3.Add the following code below
> " AxMyProject.AxMyLicensedControl  myControl = new
> AxMyProject.AxMyLicensedControl();"
> System.Reflection.FieldInfo f =
>   typeof(AxHost).GetField("licenseKey",
>      System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic |
>      System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
> f.SetValue(myControl, "gnvlslnjskvlmlgnnimh");
> Which is probably what the wrapper is doing.
> But I can't see where the InitControlData is being invoked or how I make
> it understand that the control is licensed.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> John Dammeyer
> -- 
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