Scrive Arno Garrels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Arno,

I finally got some time to examine the problem :-)


> After some investigation, the bug seems to be in function IE_WinInet.
> The first call of InternetQueryOption() returns the correct, semicolon
> separated list in optlst.pOptions^[1].pszValue, however since the result
> is not properly set to TRUE (Result := FScriptLoaded ?, I don't use a
> script)
> InternetQueryOption()is called again with a different option set
> which returns the space-separated list in prinfo^.lpszProxy. 

This is indeed an error. The second call is used as fallback since the first
call can fail (the INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION value is supported
since IE5) but this is not the case.

> WININET.DLL is version 6.0.2800.1511 and returns all info needed at
> the first call.

My is 7.0.6000.16473 and I can reproduce the behavior that you described.
The API mention only that you get a list but not how each item is separated. I
get the separator only with test.

Now I'll change the code. Do you mind I'll send you a copy to test it? :-)

Revising the code I noticed this in the API description. For the
InternetGetProxyInfo function for the lplpszProxyHostName say:
"[out] A pointer to the address of a buffer that receives the URL of the proxy
to use in an HTTP request for the specified resource. The application is
responsible for freeing this string."
How I should free the string?

Bye, Maurizio.

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