    I'm still getting familiar with the low level
functionality of the TWSocket underlying component,
so please excuse my question if it sounds trivial. 
I'm trying to set up a simple tcp listener that
accepts a single client connection and communicates
with it.  I am basing it off the TWSchat demo as it
does pretty much what I need:
    - to accept a client
    - to keep listening while connected
    - to respond with a message when other clients

    The way I'm doing it (as per the demo) is to give
the accepted socket handle to the client object if it
is free in the OnSessionAvailable event:

Procedure TSrvApp.Srv_ClientAvailable(Sender:
TObject; Error: Word);
  If (FCliSocket.State = wsConnected) Then Begin
    // we're busy, dismiss the connection
    FBusySocket.HSocket := FSrvSocket.Accept;
    FBusySocket.SendStr('Server busy, try again
later.'+ #13#10);
  End Else Begin
    // Accept the connection
    FCliSocket.HSocket  := FSrvSocket.Accept;
    FCliSocket.LineMode := True;

I've noticed that when this is done, the
OnSessionConnected event of the client is never
triggered.  I thought this was unusual as I thought
that FD_CONNECT (which ultimately triggers the event)
comes after FD_ACCEPT.  Or am I doing something wrong?


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