
I understand all except this line:

                   StateChange(httpWaitingBody);                     //AG
since this is HEAD, why do we wait for body?
Best Regards,

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Arno Garrels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Arno Garrels wrote:
> > From a brief test, the server sends body data even though it got a
> > HEAD-request, the following modification may help?
> This one may work better, if not, Francois or someone with more
> HttpCli-experience should look at it:
>        { FContentLength = -1 when server doesn't send a value }
>        if ((FContentLength = -1) and            { Added 12/03/2004 }
>            (FTransferEncoding <> 'chunked') and { Added 09/10/2006 by FP }
>            ((FStatusCode < 200) or              { Added 12/03/2004 }
>             (FStatusCode = 204) or              { Added 12/03/2004 }
>             (FStatusCode = 301) or              { Added 06/10/2004 }
>             (FStatusCode = 302) or              { Added 06/10/2004 }
>             (FStatusCode = 304) or              { Added 12/03/2004 }
>             (FStatusCode = 401) or              { Added 12/28/2005 } //AG
> 12/28/05
>             (FStatusCode = 407)))               { Added 12/28/2005 } //AG
> 12/28/05
>           or
>            (FContentLength = 0)
>           or
>            (FRequestType = httpHEAD) then begin
>            { TriggerHeaderEnd;  }{ Removed 10/01/2004 }
>                if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or}
>                { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
>                FCloseReq then begin
>                    if FLocationFlag then          { Added 16/02/2004 }
>                        StartRelocation            { Added 16/02/2004 }
>                    else begin                     { Added 16/02/2004 }
>                        if FRequestType = httpHEAD then begin { Added
> 23/07/04 }
>                            { With HEAD command, we don't expect a document
> }
>                            { but some server send one !
>  }
>                            FReceiveLen := 0;      { Cancel received data
> }
>                            StateChange(httpWaitingBody);
>                            FNext := nil;
>                        end;
>                        FCtrlSocket.CloseDelayed;  { Added 10/01/2004 }
>                    end;
>                end
>                else if FRequestType = httpHEAD then begin            //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    { With HEAD command, we don't expect a document } //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    { but some server send one !                    } //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    FReceiveLen := 0;      { Cancel received data   } //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    StateChange(httpWaitingBody);                     //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    FNext := nil;                                     //AG
> 05/27/08
>                    SetReady;
>                end;                                                  //AG
> 05/27/08
>            Exit;
>        end;
>        DocExt := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(FDocName));
>  --
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