
You shoul create THttpCli in context of your thread.

Therefore you MUST call THttpCli in Execute method.

Dimitry Timokhov

2008/6/23, muzaffer peynirci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Everyone;
> I have a very simple program which has a second  thread namely HttpCliThread. 
> In HttpCliThread I just create a THttpCli object sleep 1 second and then 
> delete it. The problem takes place when I close the form; the form doesn't 
> close properly and it gives error (The debugging steps of HttpCliThread go as 
> expected, however). If I use a single thread everything is ok. Can you please 
> help me or give me an idea of what is going on?
> Here is an example application to demonstrate my problem; 
> http://rapidshare.com/files/124450794/httpClientTest.7z.html
> Here are my codes;
> // HttpCliThread.h
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #ifndef HttpCliThreadH
> #define HttpCliThreadH
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <Classes.hpp>
> #include "HttpProt.hpp"
> #include "FormMain.h"
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> class HttpCliThread : public TThread
> {
> private:
>    THttpCli *httpcli;
> protected:
>    void __fastcall Execute();
> public:
>    __fastcall HttpCliThread(bool CreateSuspended);
> };
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #endif
> // HttpCliThread.cpp
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <vcl.h>
> #pragma hdrstop
> #include "HttpCliThread.h"
> #pragma package(smart_init)
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> __fastcall HttpCliThread::HttpCliThread(bool CreateSuspended)
>    : TThread(CreateSuspended)
> {
>    FreeOnTerminate = true;
>    httpcli = new THttpCli(NULL);
> }
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> void __fastcall HttpCliThread::Execute()
> {
>    Sleep(1000);
>    if(httpcli) {
>        delete httpcli;
>        httpcli = NULL;
>    }
> }
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> // FormMain.cpp
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <vcl.h>
> #pragma hdrstop
> #include "FormMain.h"
> #include "HttpCliThread.h"
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #pragma package(smart_init)
> #pragma resource "*.dfm"
> TForm2 *Form2;
> HttpCliThread *thHttpCli;
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> __fastcall TForm2::TForm2(TComponent* Owner)
>    : TForm(Owner)
> {
>    thHttpCli = new HttpCliThread(true);
>    if(!thHttpCli) Application->Terminate();
>    else thHttpCli->Resume();
> }
> //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Best Regards...
> -Muzaffer-
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Best regards,
Dimitry Timokhov
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