Solved !

Just this line missing :               
HttpCli1.ContentTypePost  := 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"';


Bruno Mannina a écrit :
> Dear ICS Users,
> I tried, there are two or three months, to use HttpCli to connect to a 
> SoapService. ok no problem.
> But the SoapService has changed and now I have Internal server Error.
> I changed all necessary parameters, but without success.
> Could you help me please to understand what happends ?
> Many thanks for your help ! If you want to do a test, all informations 
> about server and other are below in the log of SoapUI
> My prog is :
> ....
>       HttpCli1.RcvdStream       := Stream;
>                buf                        := '';
>                HttpCli1.URL               := TURL_OPSV2[0]+TTYPE_OPSV2[0];
>                HttpCli1.ContentActionSoap := TTYPE_OPSV2[0];
>                Buf := Format(sSOAPSearchV2, [TTYPE_OPSV2[0], Query, '1', 
> '1', TTYPE_OPSV2[0]]);
>                HttpCli1.SendStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
>                HttpCli1.SendStream.Write(Buf[1], Length(Buf));
>                HttpCli1.SendStream.Seek(0, 0);
>                Try
>                  HttpCli1.Post;
>                Except
>                  result:=False;
>                end;
> ...
> ...
> procedure TSearchPropertys.HttpCli1BeforeHeaderSend(Sender: TObject;
>   const Method: String; Headers: TStrings);
> begin
>   Headers.Add('SOAPAction: '+HttpCli1.ContentActionSoap);
> end;
> ...
> The service has no problem if I use SoapUI2.0.2 all is ok.
> With SoapUI my log is :
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "POST 
> /soap-services/biblio-search HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "Content-Type: 
> text/xml;charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "SOAPAction: "biblio-search"[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "User-Agent: Jakarta 
> Commons-HttpClient/3.0.1[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "Host:[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "Content-Length: 320[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "<soapenv:Envelope 
> xmlns:soapenv=""; 
> xmlns:ops="";>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "   <soapenv:Header/>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "   <soapenv:Body>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "      <ops:biblio-search>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "         
> <ops:query>TA=rabbit</ops:query>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "         <ops:range begin="1" 
> end="1"/>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "      </ops:biblio-search>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "   </soapenv:Body>[\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:44 CEST 2008:DEBUG:>> "</soapenv:Envelope>"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 13:03:52 
> GMT[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "Server: Apache[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "Accept: text/xml, text/html, 
> image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "SOAPAction: ""[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "Content-Length: 701[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "Content-Type: 
> text/xml;charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
> Wed Oct 01 15:03:45 CEST 2008:DEBUG:<< "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope 
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="";><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><ops:world-patent-data
> xmlns:ops="";><ops:meta name="elapsed-time" 
> value="1"/><ops:biblio-search total-result-count="2423"><ops:query 
> syntax="CQL">TA=rabbit</ops:query><ops:range begin="1" 
> end="1"/><ops:search-result><ops:publication-reference 
> data-format="docdb" family-id="39762930" system="" 
> xmlns:exch="";><document-id><country>US</country><doc-number>2008226611</doc-number><kind>A1</kind></document-id></ops:publication-reference></ops:search-result></ops:biblio-search></ops:world-patent-data></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"

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