In function TextToHtmlText() the HTML encoding of characters above #127 
assumes code page  iso-8859-1.

    HtmlSpecialChars : array [160..255] of String[6] = (
        'nbsp'   , { #160 no-break space = non-breaking space               }
        'iexcl'  , { #161 inverted exclamation mark                         }
        'cent'   , { #162 cent sign     


This IMO should be exchanged by simple decimal notation:
'&#' + IntToStr(Ord(Char)) in both Icsv6 and Icsv7.

Decimal notation of characters <= #255 seems to work with all browsers,
tested even with Netscape 3.01.
With word-sized characters above #255 (D2009 and ICSv7) modern browsers
render the correct Unicode characters.

Or am I missing something?

Arno Garrels 
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