You can try printing out the header and see if it has your domain name
in it. Then figure out why CompareText isn't catching it. Looks like
you are doing a full string match. Wouldn't a partial match work

> AH yes jlist9 , i use the follwing :

> { *
>  Domain List is a ListView that conatains the Full Domains
> the subItem[4] takes the Value ( Blocked / UnBlocked ) , so when the value
> is ' Blocked ' normally the web page will not be accessible .

> and the filtered domains format is :

> or

> mywebsite

> and even i give the IP address

> *}
> procedure TForm1.HTTPClientHeaderAvailable(sender: TObject;
>   Client: TGpProxyClient; url: String; var header, proto, user, pass, host,
>   port, path, hdrHost: String; var ignoreNextHopProxy: Boolean;
>   var returnContent: String);
>   Const
>  wBlocked =
>     'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'#13#10+
>     'Connection: close'#13#10+
>     'Content-Type: text/html'#13#10#13#10+
> '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Blocked</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Blocked</H1>'#13#10+
>     'Access to the requested URL <B>%s</B> was not allowed.'#13#10+
>     '</BODY></HTML>'#13#10;
>     var
>     i:integer;
> begin
> For I:=0 to DomainList.Items.Count-1 do
>  begin
>  if DomainList.Items[i].SubItems[4]='Blocked'then
>  Begin
> // subitem[1] is the IP addresses Value
>  if DomainList.Items[i].SubItems[1] = client.GetPeerAddr then
>     returncontent :=Format(wlocked,[client.GetPeerAddr]) ;

> // subitems[0] is the domains Value
>  if CompareText(host,DomainList.Items[i].SubItems[0]) = 0 then
>     returnContent := Format(wlocked,[host]);
>  if CompareText(header,DomainList.Items[i].SubItems[0]) = 0 then
>     returnContent := Format(wlocked,[header]);

>  end;
>  end;
>  is there any error with this .

> thank you again

> On 5/16/09, jlist9 <> wrote:
>> How are you filtering the domain name exactly?
>> Maybe you are using the full name such as
>> while the google result uses a partial name such as ?
>> On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 10:08 AM, randy <> wrote:
>> > Thank you Francois , just for you information i use FireFox for testing ,
>> do
>> > that makes difference ?
>> > i mean is there any special settings or information that i should use
>> when
>> > using Firefox .

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