Francois PIETTE wrote:
> I think the proxy implementation should be as transparent as possible.

Agreed and also should be as simple as possible to detect, log and display
proxy errors, especially since there are now two and even three different
proxy server types supported (FTP client).
Socks and HTTP both provide OnError-events however with slightly different
signatures. HTTP is aware of a last response message which is the first 
line of the HTTP response, socks is not. Currently the only way to get an 
error message from socks is by assigning its OnSocksError event, also its
error code constants are not globaly available since declared in the 
implementation section and there is no function available to get a 
message from socks error codes :(    
They both emit custom error codes, socks starting at 20000 HTTP at 21000
so they would neither conflict with winsock error numbers nor with common
protocol status codes. Error codes with HTTP are in the range 21000 to 
21000 + max. HTTP status code (599).   

IMO in the FTP client it where enough if properties LastResponse and 
ErrorMessage would contain a readably proxy error message in case something 
went wrong with a proxy, however with socks "#20xxx is not a winsock error"
is displayed everywhere with socks errors. I cannot ship something like
that to my customer. 

> Of course with a proxy in the middle, we have two levels of errors
> and we have only one to return to the application.
> Without having thinked about it too much, I would say that
> OnSessionConnected and OnSessionClosed should use the actual error
> code, no matter where it was generated (proxy or distant system). And
> since we need a second layer of error, probably a proxy specific
> error should be reported, if any, in a new property. What do you
> think ? 

I think that TWSocket should provide a property ProxyLastResponse, also 
there should be a method or global function to get an error message from
a TWSocket error code whether it comes from winsock, a proxy or some other
custom places.

Arno Garrels

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