As you can see

Sorry, no time to examine it in details.
Priority is given to my business customers...

in my code I've also try to set tpTimeCritical to thread
priority, but without any success.

The worker thread check if expected packet number (first four bytes)
corresponds to expected packet number.
I can't use tcp in my application, I need udp.

You software, when using UDP, must be preapred to packet loss, duplicate packets and packet in incorrect order. If it is not possible in your case, you can't use UDP. UDP is a simple packet protocol with only best delivery effort. This is not an issue with ICS, it is simple how UDP works.

In my example I think that the gui should not interfere with worker thread.
Any ideas?

If you loose packet, then your software, or the whole computer is not fast enough to handle all packets as they are delivered. Buy a faster computer or optimize the software.

Of course also check if your network card is OK and setup for 100 Mbps.

I can't use tcp in my application, I need udp.

Why do you think you must use UDP ?
Why isn't TCP good for you ?

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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