> Hi,
> I started from  the project plateformDemos\icsDLL1.dpr (but targeted
> to win32) and modify it suit my needs. 
> I have a wierd problem which seems to come from the fact that when
> calling loadLibrairy  whih call system.InitProcs call 2 times the
> initilization clause of OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas  
> so I have two TIcsWndHandlerPool created and the TWSocket and
> TIcsWndControl didn’t share the same TIcsWndHandlerPool 
> To reproduce the problem (2 instances of TIcsWndHandlerPool created
> after the loadLibrairy) , simply add to the uses clause of
> ICSDLL1.dpr “OverbyteIcsWndControl” and set a break point to
> OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas on the line  
> initialization
>  GWndHandlerPool := TIcsWndHandlerPool.Create;

I'm unable to reproduce it. I set the host application to IcsDLLTst.exe under
Run | Parameters then F9 the IcsDLL1 library project and get exactly
one halt at the break point in OverbyteIcsWndControl's initialization section.
This is on Win7 64 bit, real machine.

> I just update my XE2 to SP4 but this does not fix the problem

That's my test environment as well.

Arno Garrels
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