

I am getting this error in code that was working in delphi XE, with ICSv7.
Now I am moving to ICSv8 with Delphi XE3.


E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical (Delphi)


The code I have is:


procedure TRemote.LstnDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word);


  Buffer: array [0 .. 2047] of ansichar;

  Len: integer;

  Src: TSockAddrIn;

  SrcLen: integer;

  s,t: string;

  i: integer;




SrcLen := SizeOf(Src);

  Len := Lstn.ReceiveFrom(@Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), Src, SrcLen);


This last line gives me the error-message E2033.


Anybody an idea what causes this problem? It works fine in Delphi XE with


Best regards,



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