Sorry, I wrote some wrong codes in OnMyDocData, now it work fine.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 8:34 AM, xlq <> wrote:

> I created dynamically a HTTPCli and use it to get the URL:
> mHttpCli                    := THttpcli.Create(nil);
> mHttpCli.OnCommand          := OnMyCommand;
> mHttpCli.OnHeaderData       := OnMyHeaderData;
> mHttpCli.OnDocData        := OnMyDocData;
> mHttpCli.MultiThreaded      := true;
> mHttpCli.URL    := '
> mHttpCli.RcvdStream := TFileStream.Create('c:\tmp\1', fmCreate);
> mHttpCli.Get;
> ......
> It can not redirect automtically in delphi XE3, but it work fine in
> delphi 7
> Where to get the ICS frame browser demo code? thanks.
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd <
>> wrote:
>> > Now I use HTTPCli version is Version: 8.00 in Delphi XE3, and the
>> > link no longer redirect
>> Using the ICS frame browser demo, redirection works fine here, although
>> nothing useful is displayed since it's an audio clip, some headers
>> removed to keep this shorter:
>> FrameBrowser Get:
>> [0] > GET /stream/EvkwidLYJX0C?stream_token=UUQGe HTTP/1.1
>> [0] < HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
>> [0] < Location:
>> 2102d0e385713f0c1faf3b0339595665fc070deb1153437a8cc50fcf5df5446cc7a6d80703<>
>> e31311b9e16c48bdc354806dd5d714b613abe12468&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ4IAZE5EOI7P
>> A7VQ&Expires=1366880598&Signature=1K94rAZVg0SkRaxlFjWltf%2FeVLs%3D
>> [0] StateChange: httpBodyReceived
>> [0] Connected to
>> [0] > GET
>> /EvkwidLYJX0C.128.mp3?ff61182e3c2ecefa438cd02102d0e385713f0c1faf3b03395956
>> 65fc070deb1153437a8cc50fcf5df5446cc7a6d80703e31311b9e16c48bdc354806dd5d714
>> b613abe12468&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ4IAZE5EOI7PA7VQ&Expires=1366880598&Signat
>> ure=1K94rAZVg0SkRaxlFjWltf%2FeVLs%3D HTTP/1.1
>> [0] > Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
>> [0] < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>> [0] < Content-Type: audio/mpeg
>> [0] < Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 09:02:58 GMT
>> [0] < Content-Length: 382013
>> FrameBrowserGetPostRequestEx Done: Status 200
>> [0] Disconnected
>> Angus
>> --
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