On Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:30 PM [GMT+1=CET],
Éric Fleming Bonilha schrob:

> Hope this time, my message is sent!!!

Thanks, it got thru, interesting problem.
Can you provide a simple test application that reproduces the issue (randomly)?

> I realized that if I unselect the messages using WSAASyncSelect, and
> passing 0, 0, the problem will never happen.****
> ** **
> Also, another thing, if I just call****
> WSocket_Synchronized_WSAASyncSelect(FHSocket,  Handle,  0,  0) AFTER
> iStatus := WSocket_Synchronized_closesocket(FHSocket), it will NOT
> work, 
> and the problem will persist****
> Apparently, closing the socket using iStatus :=
> WSocket_Synchronized_closesocket(FHSocket) does not guarantee that
> windows will not send any more messages to the registered handle, and
> we have to explicitly tell windows to not send any more socket
> messages using WSocket_Synchronized_WSAASyncSelect(FHSocket,  Handle,
> 0,  0), but this must be called before closing the socket

If winsock sent the message then WPARAM contained the destination 
socket handle and LPARAM the action like Connect, Read etc.. 

Your change might? be a problem closing the asynchronous socket,
Francois should know it better than I.


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