I apologise in advance if this problem has been reported and solved before.
I've looked through the archive and can't find anything quite the same.

I am using Rad Studio XE4 and programming in C++. I have installed the
components for ICS version 8.

The service I am writing is multithreaded. If I only use a TWSocket in one
thread I have no problem. If I create an instance of TWSocket in more than
one thread I get the following run time exception.

Unable to register TIcsWndControl hidden window class. Error #1410.

My understanding is that the HInstance in OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas is
different for each thread. Consequently the AllocateHWnd procedure thinks
that the IcsWndControlWindowClass class has not been registered. When it
then tries to register the class I get the Error #1440 (Class already

I'm sure I'm being a bit stupid here. Could someone point me in the right

Many thanks,

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