From the ICS Samples\Delphi\SslInternet directory, compile and run the OverbyteIcsHttpsTst.dpr project. Does the address you are requesting, from your application, also fails with this HTTPS client sample application? What's the URL, if you can share it here? As Angus already replied to you, the 404 error code is telling the address you are requesting does not exist, e.g. you typed a wrong URL. Or the server you are requesting from may be sending the wrong error code to indicate you are failing to send the request as the server expects to receive it (e.g. missing parameter or cookie, etc.)

  I'm doing my first tests with "TSslHttpCli" and I've got this error when
sending a post ..

Request Failed !
StatusCode   = 404
ReasonPhrase = SSL handshake failed - SSL Connected OK with TLSv1, cipher
RC4-MD5, key exchange RSA, encryption RC4(128), message authentication MD5

Have tested all options to "SslVersionMethod"..

Already taking advantage of this e-mail, I take a doubt on the component,
now I use the TIdHttp Indy in a thread, but when I do a Get or Post and the
server is slow or the internet is slow, or even has no answer, the
application freezes for a few seconds, and you can not interact with the
controls, we do so with the "TSslHttpCli" too?


2015-11-22 13:37 GMT-02:00 RTT <>:

On 22/11/2015 15:28, {Dark_Ducke} wrote:

Does not work for 64 bit?

It works with 64-bit too. After adding the USE_SSL conditional define,
make sure you "Build" your project. Compile is not enough.

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