Thanks, it worked perfectly, I managed to navigate the other pages, but now
another problem has appeared, I changed the user and logged in again, and
all the pages that I navigate are with the data of the first user, even
sending a post with incorrect login and password He logs in as if he was
the first user to take the test.
Already tried to do before sending the Post of login:

        IcsCookies.AutoSave := False;

But continue logging in with the first user ..

Already taking advantage of not send another email, what is the property
"MultiThreaded"? The idea of my system is to make https queries showing
information in a TStringGrid without it crashing the UI, should I always
use Get and Post "ASync" correct?
Thank you again! \O/

Ps: Is there any documentation for this component? It is not even on the
ICS component list on the site

2017-05-25 14:16 GMT-03:00 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd <>:

> > I get the login data for the login page using "POST" and
> > "PostASync", but when doing a GET on the next page that
> > should be accessed with the logged in user
> Almost certainly cookies, these are not handled internally between
> requests, you need to repeat your line:
>  HttpCli1.Cookie := IcsCookies.GetCookies(HttpCli1.URL);
> after setting each URL and before making the request, so it's current.
> And then actually keep cookies returned by the server, in the OnCookie
> event.
> procedure TFormWebDown.HttpClientCookie(Sender: TObject; const Data:
> string; var Accept: Boolean);
> begin
>     IcsCookies.SetCookie(Data, (Sender as THttpCli).URL);
> end;
> So cookies returned by one request will get sent back to the server
> with the next request, which is how a session is maintained.
> Angus
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