SVN and the overnight zip have been updated with a new TSslX509Certs
component that automatically downloads SSL/TLS X509 certificates from
various suppliers, and a new sample application to test it. This is
still a beta component, with a number of planned improvements that
should be done in June, but is fully functional now for free single
domain certificates from Let's Encrypt and commercial certifications
from CertCentre AG.

The new component uses the recent REST, OAuth2 and Jose units, which
also have minor changes and fixes from practical use. The Let's Encrypt
functions use Json REST and Json Web Signatures signed by private keys,
while the CertCentre AG functions use OAuth2 with unsigned Json REST
requests.  There is a new sample that will order and download
certificates, but currently none of this is integrated into
SocketServer, which will happen in June so the process is automatic in


SSL/TLS X509 certificates

There are effectively three classes of SSL/TLS X509 certificates,
Domain Validated, Organisation Validated and Extended Validated, in
order of cost and benefit, usually with three variations, single domain,
multiple domains (SANs), and wildcard.  Adding multiple domains to a
certificate can ease administration and is cheaper than multiple
certificates, wild card means any subdmains usually for the cost of
about six single domains.

Domain Validated certificate issuance is mostly automated so they are
cheap (or free), using one of three challenge methods: file validation
where the supplier checks for a specific file under the domain, usually
http://domain/.well-known/file, domain validation where a special DNS
record is created that can be accessed by the supplier, and email
validation where an email is sent to a predefined address at the domain,
ie admin@domain, with a supplier link that must be clicked to confirm
receipt and domain ownership.  A fourth method Server Name Indication
(SNI) validation has been used in the past which allows an SSL server
to check a special domain name, but security weakness in some
implementations mean this is not currently used.

File and domain validation challenges can both be automated, file is
easiest using a simple HTTP server, while domain validation is
dependent on being able to access and control the DNS server of which
there are many different products.  Note file validation challenges are
not instant, the supplier may have a queue of challenges waiting to the
tested, but usually happen without a couple of minutes. Applications
need to be aware the wait may be longer.

Organisation and Extended Validated certificates can be ordered online,
but require manual validation that the company or organisation legally
exists and is entitled to use the domain name, which may take several
days or weeks for extended validation if legal evidence is required.
Once approved, the certificate and be downloaded automatically.

TSslX509Certs Overview

The TSslX509Certs component automatically downloads SSL/TLS X509
certificates from various suppliers, including free certificates from
Let's Encrypt, and commercial certificates from CertCentre AG and
Servertastic (not done yet).  The component automates the process from
creating a new private key and certificate request, placing the order,
arranging for domain validated certificates to be checked by various
challenge methods, collecting the certificate and intermediate,
creating PEM and PKC12 bundle files with the private key, then copying
the files to the web server ready for automatic installation.

The component supports automated file challenge for Domain Validated
certificates, initially using an external HTTP server to which files
may be copied using UNC shares, but the next release will support a
built-in HTTP server as well.  The application can also use an FTP
server to copy files to an external HTTP server. DNS challenge
currently require the application to update the DNS server, likewise
email challenge needs an external email application.

The component supports the Acme V1 and V2 protocols as implemented by
Let's Encrypt to download free domain validated certificates, beware V1
bears little resemblance to any of the Acme Internet Draft
specifications, V2 is much closer to draft 10 but only implemented
sufficiently for Let's Encrypt, V2 is designed to also handle
commercial certificates which are more complicated to process. Note
that Acme V1 has been superseded by V2, and was only supported because
V2 did not go public until March 2018.

You don't need to register with Let's Encrypt, but it only supplies
domain validated certificates so the domains for which you order
certificates must already be registered and have DNS pointing to a live
HTTP (not HTTPS) server where the component can copy a challenge file
for Let's Encrypt to access to prove domain ownership.  Let's Encrypt
also supports DNS challenges but this is not yet implemented by the
component.  Currently only single domains are supported, multiple
domains and wildcard will be added for V2 shortly. 

Commercial suppliers of certificates have their own APIs, usually using
HTTP REST, currently the component supports CertCentre AG, or from where you can buy certificates issued
by Comondo, DigiCert (including GeoTrust, Symantec and Thawte) and
GlobalSign, and free certificates from AlwaysOnSSL (by resellers only),
see  You need to register with
CertCentre AG and open an account to pay for any certificates bought,
although for testing most can be cancelled within 30 days without
charge.  CertCentre AG uses OAuth2 authentication which is complex to
set-up, but then mostly invisible. Domain validated certificates can be
purchased and downloaded automatically using file challenge, other
types of certificates can be ordered and then downloaded when the order
is completed.

TSslX509Certs Accounts

The TSslX509Certs component has a concept of an account directory for a
certificate supplier, into which all certificate and related files will
be saved, with extra information about the account.  The next release
will include an account database file to keep track of domains being
ordered and when they need renewing.  For Let's Encrypt Acme, the
directory includes an account private key (separate to certificate
private keys) that is used to identify the account, this is created
automatically if the directory is blank.

When ordering a new certificate, temporary files may be created in the
account directory, the new certified private key and certificate
request.  Once the order is accepted and an order number is available,
these files are renamed to include the order number for historic
purposes, and when the order is completed a second copy of all files is
saved without the order number for final distribution to the web server,
and optionally copied to the web server using a UNC file share.  Note
the files without order numbers are always automatically overwritten by
new orders.  So an Let's Encrypt order for the domain will find the following files upon


There is a PEM certificate signing request (CSR) file, separate PEM
files for the private key, domain certificate and intermediate
certificates, then a combined PEM bundle  with the certificates and
private key, and a PKCS12 PFX file which is a similar bundle that
Windows certificate store accepts.  The certificate private key files
(and bundles) may be optionally password protected, the PFX file always
has a password since Windows requires that, it will be 'password' if
not otherwise specified. Note AcmePrivateKey is unprotected.  A
wildcard order for * will have a file name
x_telecom-tariffs_co_uk since * can not be used in file names.  Until
the order number is available, the file name will be LE-work, or
CC-work for CertCentre.

TSslX509Certs Sample Application

There is a sample application
that illustrates all the functionality of the TSslX509Certs component,
allowing certificates to be ordered and collected by clicking a few
buttons.  Note that currently there must be a external HTTP (not HTTPS)
server where the component can copy challenge files to prove domain

In the following sample descriptions, all the fields and buttons
mentioned have corresponding properties and methods in the
TSslX509Certs component itself.

On the Common tab, there are various logging options, to keep track of
activity and for diagnostics when things don't work as expected, if the
Log Directory is not blank.  There are several levels of debug logging
from just connections, through SSL negotiations, then HTTP headers and
content, also Json logging for protocol errors (or changes).

For CertCentre AG, you must create an account on their web site first,
then go to Settings, Your Apps & API Keys, under OAuth2 Your Apps,
click the blue + icon to create a new App, with OAuth2 Redirect-URI:
http://localhost:8080/certcenter/. Back in the sample application, copy
the various OAuth2 parameters from your new app to the sample fields,
App Auth URl, Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect-URI,  set App Token
URL to and scope to write, web
server IP to port 8080.  The first time you access a
CertCentre function, OAuth2 authentication will be triggered to display
an account login page in your default browser, then a German language
page appears so click the 'Akzeptieren' button which should result in
the sample application completing OAuth2 and displaying access and
refresh tokens with an expiry date and time, and the browser saying
'App Token Generated Successfully'.  The tokens initially remain valid
for 24 hours before another login is required, but may be refreshed
manually or automatically before they expire without needing another
login.  Refreshed tokens expire after six hours, but can be extended
again and again, provided the sample is still running.

For certificate orders, on the Common Tab set the challenge method and
optional private key password and encryption type (3DES) if needed, on
the Domain tab set the certificate common domain name (note alternate
names not yet supported), then the 'Web Server UNC HTTP .Well-Known
Directory' and optionally 'Web Server UNC Public Certificates Directory'
where the final certificates will be copied. Clicking the 'Test
Well-Known' button will copy a file to the web server and attempt to
access it using the domain name, to prove future challenges will be
successful.  The Cert Admin tab has a lot more fields relating to
certificate order needed to create a private key and certificate
signing request, many can be ignored for Let's Encrypt (except email)
but commercial certificates need most of the fields, including
certificate period in months, usually 12 or 24, but this may be
overwritten by the order process. Currently only RSA keys and SHA-2 are
tested, not ECC or SHA-3.

TSslX509Certs Order Process

Let's Encrypt offers live and staging servers, the latter is best for
testing since it issue certificates signed by a fake CA.  Select a
directory for the account and certificates and the server.  For Let's
Encrypt, click 'Register Account' which will create a new account
private key or open an old one, and then register the account.  For
CertCentre, Get Profile will trigger OAuth2 if necessary, then check
your account and list the certificate products that can be ordered,
from which one will be selected, and the details and cost will be

Next, click 'Check Order' which will check the challenge method
specified on the Common tab is valid for the certificate product, and
repeat the local 'Test Well-Known' check for file challenges.  If the
checks succeed, the Order button will be enabled.

For Let's Encrypt Acme and AlwaysOnSSL, click the Order button to start
the order process.  There will be another local 'Test Well-Known' check.
Then the supplier is asked if it can register the domain name.  If the
name is acceptable, information about the actual challenge is returned
by the supplier and the component creates the domain validation file in
the web server .well-known directory and requests the supplier to test
it, returning an order number.

The component then waits up to two minutes periodically checking the
order status to see if the challenge has been completed and been
successful.  The next release of the component will remove this wait
and instead implement a queue of challenge checks over days if
necessary, allowing multiple domains to be handled.

Once the challenge succeeds, the 'Collect Certificate' button is
enabled and should be clicked. Another check is made the challenge has
been completed OK, then a private key and certificate signing request
will be created and submitted. If the CSR matches the challenged domain,
a new domain SSL/TLS X509 certificate is generated and saved including
the order number, then the intermediate certificate that will be needed
by the web server, then the PEM and PKCS12 bundles are built by adding
the private key, as detailed above.  Finally the component runs a check
to validate the certificate chain, and reports all the details. If
validation passes, all the files are saved a second time without the
order number, as detailed above, and finally a third time by copying to
the web server certificate directory.  Some web servers, such as those
based on TWSocketServer will periodically check for new SSL
certificates (RecheckSslCerts method) and will automatically install
the new certificate.  Note that Let's Encrypt certificates are only
valid for three months since they are intended to be renewed

AlwaysOnSSL is a similar free certificate available to resellers of
CertCentre, and the order process is similar to Acme, except the CSR is
supplied before the challenge starts, and the certificate is returned
when the challenge succeeds, but may be downloaded again later if
needed by using the order number. AlwaysOnSSL certificates are valid up
to one year.

For commercial certificates, when checking the order a quotation is
returned for the certificate cost.  The word BUY needs to typed to
avoid spending money too easily, then 'Order Commercial Cert' clicked.
The private key and CSR are generated and the order placed.  A number
of errors may occur at this stage, mostly related to missing fields
such as address, telephone, etc.  For domain validated certificates,
challenge validation will then start, being automatic for file
similarly to Acme and AlwaysOnSSL.  For email validation, organisation
and extended validated certificates, an order number is returned and
the process now stalls for manual processing.

The 'List Orders' button will generate a list in the log of recent
CertCentre orders with their order number and status.  For orders that
are completed, the order number can be entered in the field and
'Collect Order' clicked to collect the certificate, similarly to Acme.
Likewise, specific orders may be cancelled within 30 days, and
certificates revoked if necessary.

Pending - more documentation
Pending - database (ini file) of domains, challenges and expiry for
Pending - support multiple challenges (needs database)
Pending - collect certificate when challenge passed (needs database)
Pending - local web server (needs database)
Pending - integrate with SocketServer component (for web server, proxy
Pending - multiple SAN domains for AcmeV2 and CertCentre
Pending - wild cards and DNS validation for AcmeV2
Pending - Acme EC accounts, signing currently fails validation
Pending - Acme EC certificates, not properly tested yet
Pending - Acme revoke certificate
Pending - CertCentre re-issue certificate, use ModifiedOrders for last
x days
Pending - Servertastic APIv2 for commercial certificates
Pending - install PKCS12 certificates into Windows cert store for IIS
Pending - better error reporting and logging


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