> As I'm a neophyte on TLS evolution, could you make a small 
> summary of what v1.3 brings in?

Briefly, TLSv1.3 is simplified and faster with fewer options, and more
secure (harder to intercept with Wireshark and other tools) than
TLSv1.2.  From Wikipedia:

Major differences from TLS 1.2 include:

- Separating key agreement and authentication algorithms from the
cipher suites
- Removing support for weak and lesser-used named elliptic curves
- Removing support for MD5 and SHA-224 cryptographic hash functions
- Requiring digital signatures even when a previous configuration is
- Integrating HKDF and the semi-ephemeral DH proposal
- Replacing resumption with PSK and tickets
- Supporting 1-RTT handshakes and initial support for 0-RTT
- Mandating perfect forward secrecy, by means of using ephemeral keys
during the (EC)DH key agreement
- Dropping support for many insecure or obsolete features including
compression, renegotiation, non-AEAD ciphers, non-PFS key exchange
(among which static RSA and static DH key exchanges), custom DHE groups,
EC point format negotiation, Change Cipher Spec protocol, Hello message
UNIX time, and the length field AD input to AEAD ciphers
- Prohibiting SSL or RC4 negotiation for backwards compatibility
- Integrating use of session hash
- Deprecating use of the record layer version number and freezing the
number for improved backwards compatibility
- Moving some security-related algorithm details from an appendix to
the specification and relegating ClientKeyShare to an appendix
- Addition of the ChaCha20 stream cipher with the Poly1305 message
authentication code
- Addition of the Ed25519 and Ed448 digital signature algorithms
- Addition of the x25519 and x448 key exchange protocols

>From an ICS perspective, most of this is transparent, unless you
specify specific ciphers when you need to add new TLSv1.3 versions (max
six) which ICS servers with IcsHosts do automatically.  


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