Oh, thank you, that is exactly what I want. I will try it and tell you.

I was thinking to be alone with this problem, so I've been working on this :

If you use R, you can try :
 - download all files
 - launch R
 - write this :

Sweave("example.Rnw", RweaveT2t())

A example.t2t file should appear. You can convert it with txt2tags.

I don't know if there is a need for this, since the new mark ''' exists...

2009/1/13 Aurélio Jargas <ve...@aurelio.net>

> Welcome David!
> There's the raw mark:
> """
> protected text
> """
> But besides the txt2tags marks are not interpreted inside this block
> (as bold or italics), the < is still escaped as $<$, because tex needs
> it to be escaped, and txt2tags must generate valid tex code on the
> output.
> You can use the new (to be released) tagged mark, which won't change
> anything in your text:
> '''
> <<<options>>>=
> ...
> @
> '''
> You'll need to get the development code at
> http://txt2tags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/txt2tags.
> Tell us any problem!
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 07:51, David Hajage <dhajag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello txt2tags users and developpers.
> >
> > I've just discovered txt2tags, and I absolutely love this program ! Thank
> > you very much !
> >
> > I'm also an R user (R is a free software environment for statistical
> > computing and graphics : http://www.r-project.org/). R has a fantastic
> tool
> > called Sweave. With Sweave, you can write a LaTeX or HTML document,
> include
> > in it some R statistical code, and Sweave can replace R code by results.
> >
> > Example for latex document :
> > \documentclass{...}
> > \begin{document}
> >
> > blablalba
> >
> > Some R code :
> > <<options>>=
> > 2+2
> > @
> >
> > \end{document}
> >
> > Everything between <<options>>= and @ will be replace by the result :
> >> 2+2
> > [1] 4
> > and the rest of the file (text and latex markup) doesn't change.
> >
> > I would like to use txt2tags to write my report. With txt2tags, I will be
> > able to convert my report in latex or in html, then run Sweave on it to
> > replace R code by results.
> >
> > I tried, but there is a problem : txt2tags transforms <<options>>= and R
> > code into something else.
> >
> > Example :
> > Before txt2tags :
> > <<options>>=
> > 2+2 < 5
> > @
> > After txt2tags (latex)
> > $<$$<$options$>$$>$=
> > 2+2 $<$ 5
> > @
> >
> > Before txt2tags :
> > <<options>>=
> > 2+2 < 5
> >
> > @
> >
> > After txt2tags (latex) :
> > \begin{verbatim}
> >
> > <<options>>=
> > 2+2 < 5
> > @
> > \end{verbatim}
> > After txt2tags (xhtml)
> >
> > <pre>
> >   &lt;&lt;options&gt;&gt;=
> >   2+2 &lt; 5
> >   @
> > </pre>
> >
> > Thus, I would like to know if there is a way (a markup ?) to protect some
> > text from any transformation by txt2tags. I don't have other example in
> > mind, but I think this feature could be helpfull in some situation.
> >
> > Thank you for reading me, and thank you very much for this tool.
> >
> > Best regards.
> >
> > David Hajage
> >
> >
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> > _______________________________________________
> > txt2tags-list mailing list
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/txt2tags-list
> >
> >
> --
> Aurélio Marinho Jargas
> www.aurelio.net
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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