This was a note sent to the TYJP address and I'm
forwarding it on.  Please do not reply or respond by
hitting the reply key.  Thanks.

 1) Anyone up for carpooling to  Lake Norman for a
Charlotte JCC Singles event on Sunday, May 20 at
 2) How about the Lake Eden Arts Festival near Black
Mountain May 26th? This event includes musical
 performances from a diversity of cultural roots,
dance workshops (clogging, contra, swing, Cuban,
salsa) and
 a poetry slam in a beautiful mountain lakeside
setting.  For more info about this event email
 3) Bike riding anyone, anytime on the greenways or
rural roads in Greensboro, Highpoint and Winston
 (tailored to ability level)?
 4) Singles Oneg at someone's home or a restaurant
after service, Winston or Greensboro?
 5) What are your ideas?
 It is summer and I'm up for adventures with old
friends and new.  So if you are thinking of going to
an event
 in the Triangle or Charlotte, I'd love to hear from
you. Anything happening in Greensboro?
 PS If you do not want to be included in e-mails like
this, please let me know.  If you know someone who
 would like to be invited, please ask them to contact

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