Shalom everyone!
Please find attached in this installment of the TYJP Events Newsletter:
    Saturday, November 9, 2002:  Poker Night
Mark your calendars for these other events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails.
    Sunday, November 10, 2002:  Crafts for Charity (Tentative - May move to a later date)
    Thursday, November 14, 2002:  Happy Hour
    Thursday, December 5, 2002:  Chanukah Happy Hour
    Wednesday, December 18, 2002:  Board/Planning Meeting
    Wednesday, December 25, 2002:  Game Day/Night
Poker Night:
When:  Saturday, November 9, 2002
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Marc's House, 400 Davie Road Apt 71, Carrboro (919-942-1487 or [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Marc will take the first six RSVPs.  If he can get enough for a second table, then he'll take as many as thirteen RSVPs.  If you just want to watch, an RSVP is unnecessary.  If you are interested in playing, but are unable to make it on this particular date and time, let Marc know.  If he can't get enough people then he's up for postponing it.
The Stakes:
This is Marc's suggestion, to keep losses at a minimum.  But he's open to alterations:
The game: dealer's choice
Minimum bet: a nickel
Maximum bet: a dime, except for the last round of any hand when it goes up to a quarter
Raises: Three per round
Sandbagging: (checking, only to raise later in the round) allowed unless the dealer requests otherwise
Jackpot poker (when you are required to match the pot): prohibited
What to Bring:
Bring your own booze or your own snack and, of course, money.
From I-40W:
Get off at exit 273B (54W Chapel Hill).  Stay on 54W until the 54 & 15-501 junction (about 2 miles).  Take the exit for 54 West & 15-501 South.  It will be on your right immediately AFTER the overpass.  Remain on this road.  Eventually 15-501 South will drop off, and it will be just 54W.  After this split, you will see the Merritt Mill Road exit followed by the Jones Ferry Road exit.  Get off at Jones Ferry Road and turn right at the light.  Turn left at the BP station (You'll see the BP station on the left as soon as you get onto Jones Ferry Road - it's Davie Road).  Follow Davie Road for about a quarter of a mile.  Marc's apartment (#71) will be on the left-hand side, across the street from the cemetery.  It will be the third apartment you see once you reach the cemetery.  Parking for Marc's complex (Fidelity Court Apartments - 400 Davie Road) will be on the left, after his apartment.  There is no reserved parking so pick whichever spot is convenient for you.
From 15-501 South:
In Chapel Hill, 15-501 South will junction up with 54W.  From this point, follow the directions above from where it says Remain on this road.
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