Shalom everyone.
The following message is from the Durham/Chapel Hill Jewish Federation for a special TJS event this coming Saturday, February 14....
A little corny though this may be,
We couldn't help but to decree
On Valentine's Day TJS
is planning a social fest.
Cupid will be there with his bow and arrow
Hopefully shooting on the straight and narrow.
So save the date and please be there
The details we will now share!
Join TJS 35+ at Out Of The Park in Morrisville for Valentine's Day on Feb. 14th at 7:30.  With enough RSVPs we'll definitely be happy to plan an impromptu speed dating event ... let us know!!  If you missed the last event for the 35+ group, you won't want to miss another!!
Cost:  $18 per person and covers hot appetizer buffet and soft drinks (cash bar).
RSVP:  489-5335 by February 10th
Where:  Out Of The Park!, 100n Jerusalem Drive, Morrisville (919-465-1900)
Please use the following MapQuest to gain personalized directions:
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