Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Sunday, April 25, 2004:  Game Day
    Friday, May 7 - Sunday, May 9, 2004:  WV White Water Rafting Trip (Reminder Only)
Please stay tuned; we will be sending out the events for the next four months next week.

Game Day:
When:  Sunday, April 25, 2004

Time:  2:30 PM

Where:  Marjorie's Home (RSVP for Directions)

FOOD?:  POT LUCK!  When you RSVP, we will ask you to bring a drink, vegetarian appetizer, vegetarian dish, or dessert (please, no meat)


Its game day!  Bring your favorite game to share or just come to play.  There will be various types of games available to be played from the serious competition of taboo to the friendly game of cards. This Sunday at 2:30pm.


Please RSVP to Marjorie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to get directions.


WV White Water Rafting Trip:
When:  Friday, May 7 - Sunday, May 9, 2004 

Where:  New River or Upper Gauley, West Virginia
This is just a reminder for those who have previously RSVP'ed.  Carpooling information will be sent out shortly.
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