Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Sunday, October 3, 2004:  Canoe Outing
    Friday, October 15 - Sunday, October 17, 2004:  Bridge Day/Gauley White Water Rafting  (Special Note Below)
    Thursday, October 21, 2004:  Happy Hour
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails. 
    Sunday, November 7, 2004:  Bowling
    Thursday, November 18, 2004:  Happy Hour
    Tuesday, November 30, 2004:  Chocolate Decadence - Godiva Chocolates
    Saturday, December 11, 2004:  Board/Planning Meeting
    Saturday, December 11, 2004:  Hanukah Party
    Thursday, December 16, 2004:  Happy Hour
    Saturday, December 25, 2004:  Game Day/Night
    Friday, December 31, 2004:  New Years Party
Yet to be scheduled, but tentatively planned:
     Day Trip to the NC Zoo
Additional Announcements:
-- Come support a  TYJP member who has an art show in Raleigh through the month of September. Selanna Reiner has 14 mosaic pieces and 3 paintings on display and for sale at The Company Store in Glenwood South. The address is 517 West Jones street, which is across the street from the entrance to the Restaurant 518, within the first block of West Jones street. West Jones is parallel to Peace Street, about 1/4 mile closer to downtown. The Company Store has coffee, desserts and wine, as well as other artwork and antiques for sale. Selanna's work is in a room to the right of the main room. Hours are 11 am to midnight Tues. - Friday, 10 am to midnight Saturday, 10 am to 9 pm Sunday, and closed Mondays. The phone # is 832-4402. For more information or driving directions from Durham, e-mail Selanna at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Canoe Outing:
When:  Sunday, October 3, 2004
Time:  2:00 PM
Where:  Lake Wheeler, Raleigh
Join TYJP for an afternoon of canoeing and good times at Lake Wheeler this Sunday at 2 PM.  No experience required as a small lesson will be given if needed on how to paddle or steer.  Just bring yourself and shoes that you don't mind getting wet, sunscreen, and something to drink if you like; you can purchase drinks at the lake, as they have a small snack bar as well.  Hope to see you all at Lake Wheeler.
For more information or questions, contact Marjorie at [EMAIL PROTECTED].  For directions, please visit the following web site:
Bridge Day/Gauley White Water Rafting:
When:  Bridge Day Weekend, October 15th - 17th, 2004 (Fri - Sun)
Where:  Upper Gauley River, WV 
SPECIAL NOTE:  We have eight "paid-for" spots at this time, enough to fill a raft.  If you wish to be put on a "waiting list" in case someone cannot go, please contact Michael C. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  If enough people sign up, we may try to get a second raft.
This promises to be a memorable weekend for anyone that hasn't been to Bridge Day weekend. The New River Gorge Bridge, which has the world's 2nd longest single arch steel span and at 876 feet above the New River is the 2nd highest bridge in this country, is closed one day a year for festivities, including several hundred base jumpers, music, theater, and arts and crafts. Bridge Day falls over peak fall foliage weekend, and the fall colors are as spectacular as the base jumpers' parachutes. This is also the last weekend of the year that the Summerville damn release will occur. What does that mean? Even more white water! The river will drop over 335 feet in less than 9 miles, with over 40 Class 3-5 rapids.
Please RSVP by September 18th to Michael C. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you are definitely going to go on this trip. The cost for 2 nights of camping under the stars (Friday and Saturday), plus a continental breakfast before and a grilled lunch during the Upper Gauley Rafting trip on Sunday, is $116.24. It is highly recommended that you bring or rent a wetsuit, since the water temperature is expected to be around 53 F; the cost of renting a wetsuit is $15.
Michael has reserved a cabin for two nights at an additional $30/night; up to six people can fit in this cabin.  Those that wish to stay in the cabin instead of camping, will be charged extra based upon how many people stay in the cabin.  Please indicate which option you want in your RSVP (camping or cabin).  Please note, we only have one cabin reserved; the first six people to RSVP and opt for the cabin will be able to stay in the cabin.  Please RSVP as soon as possible, in case we need to get another cabin; they are going fast.
When you RSVP, you'll be sent the name/number of the outfitter to call, the group account #, and the exact cost of your trip. You'll then need to call the outfitter and charge the cost of your trip (possibly less any deposit that has already been put down to reserve your spot). Once we know how many people we have on the trip, we'll plan transportation/carpools and Friday departure times. We plan to arrive back in the Triangle around 9 pm Sunday. 
As a note of caution, this from one of the outfitter's websites: "Serious whitewater for serious paddlers. This section is for the brave and fearless among you. The Upper Gauley is continuous, big volume, gut-wrenching whitewater from start to finish. Due to the intense nature of this trip, prior rafting experience and the ability for self-rescue are highly recommended."
Happy Hour:
When:  Thursday, October 21, 2004
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Lucy's Restaurant, 114 Henderson St., Chapel Hill (919-933-2260)
This will be a "meet new people" happy hour, where we'll be mixing and mingling at the bar at Lucy's or sitting on the outdoor patio, weather permitting. Casual, American-style appetizers and dinner are available, but the focus of this gathering is not a sit-down dinner.
Lucy's Restaurant
114 Henderson St (corner of Henderson and Rosemary St, one block to the right of Franklin St)
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Paid parking is on Rosemary St. and street parking is wherever you can find it.
From Raleigh:
Take I 40 W to 15/501. Make left onto 15/501 South. Take 15/501 South and bear right onto Franklin St when 15/501 splits off. Take Franklin St all the way up the hill into downtown Chapel Hill until you reach Henderson St. Turn right onto Henderson St and Lucy's is on the right hand corner of Franklin and Rosemary, one block from Franklin St. Turn left onto Rosemary Street to park.
From Durham:
Take 15/501 South and bear right onto Franklin St when 15/501 splits off. Take Franklin St all the way up into downtown Chapel Hill until you reach Henderson St. Turn right onto Henderson St and Lucy's is on the right hand corner of Franklin and Rosemary, one block from Franklin St. Turn left onto Rosemary Street to park.
For more info, contact Jennifer Dubow at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
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