Shalom everyone.


In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Sunday, May 15, 2005:  NC Zoo Trip

    Thursday, May 19, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Saturday, June 25, 2005:  Big Brother/Big Sister Bowling Charity Event

Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails.
    Sunday, June 5, 2005:  Jew Bowl (Football)
    Thursday, June 16, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Friday-Sunday, June 17 - 19, 2005:  Camping Trip
    Monday, July 4, 2005:  Fourth of July/Fireworks
    Thursday, July 21, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, July 24, 2005:  Wet 'N Wild Waterpark (Raindate: July 31)
    Sunday, July 31, 2005:  Bagel Brunch (if not going to WNW)
    Thursday, August 11, 2005:  Planning Meeting
    Thursday, August 18, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, August 21, 2005:  Movie Night/Make Your Own Sundae
    Sunday, August 28, 2005:  Annual Picnic
    TBD:  Canoeing Trip
    TBD:  Scuba


Zoo Trip:
When:  Sunday, May 15, 2005

Time:  Meet at Zoo at 11:00 AM

Where:  NC Zoo in Asheboro, NC


Join TYJP at the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro!  Spend the day walking through the Zoo enjoying the animals.  This is a much anticipated TYJP event.
There are currently several special exhibits at the zoo, including the Australian Walkabout, where you can visit an abandoned outback cattle station that is now home to kangaroos, wallabies, emus, parrots, pythons, and lizards. See colorful birds, snakes, and frogs from Australia's forests.  You can also see SimEx Reactor “Dino Island II 3-D”, where a volcanic eruption threatens life on Dino Island. An effort is under way to save from extinction “Tony” the only surviving male T-Rex in the world. The 3-D effects will thrill you. Great fun for the whole family! (This is an additional $3 per person).  For more information on the Zoo’s exhibits go to
Driving from Raleigh to the Zoo takes approximately 1.5 - 2 hours.  We can enjoy lunch at the zoo and then have at dinner at Friendly’s on the way home.  Admission to the zoo is $10.
Carpool information:
Drive or Ride ?
  Please specify:
   - If Drive, from where ? (Raleigh, Durham, Cary...)
      - How many people can you accommodate?
   - If Ride, where do you live (Raleigh, Cary, Durham...)
To get the most out of our day, it is best to arrive by 11am, so carpools should plan on leaving around 9am.  As soon as Jamie has all the carpool information, she will let people know where to meet.
Please RSVP by May 11, 2005 to Jamie W. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


Happy Hour:
When:  Thursday, May 19, 2005

Time:  7:30 PM

Where:  New York Billiards, 2431 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh (919-872-6699)


Come join TYJP at New York Billiards in North Raleigh for an evening of fun and merriment.  NY Billiards recently opened with over 24 new pool tables!
They are located at 2431 Spring Forest Road. This is the same little shopping area with The Supper Club and Goodberry’s.  If people are interested, then after pool we can walk to Goodberry’s to get some ice cream.
Things to know:
    * The cost is 4 dollars/per person/hour.  
    * The manager said we could bring in food, but no drinks. Don’t worry, they have a full bar! (and sodas).
    * Marcia H. is setting the time at 7:30, to give everyone time to eat on their own or pick up some quick food.
    * When you come in tell them you are with TYJP as Marcia Hoffheimer’s guest.
    * If you really like the place, you can get your own membership (believed to be $3 with a 3 day wait period).
Questions, or to let us know you are coming (RSVP is not required), please contact Marcia H. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Please visit either NY Billiards web site, or Maps.Google or MapQuest for personalized directions.



Big Brother/Big Sister Bowling Charity Event:
When:  Saturday, June 25, 2005

Time:  TBD

Where:  AMF Lanes South Hills in Cary  (Corrected)


Hello everyone!  As most of you know, Marcia H. has been volunteering for the last few years with Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Each year they have a "Bowl for Kids" fundraiser to help fund programs for the "Bigs and Littles" and to help with other costs.
TYJP is sponsoring at least one team for this event; right now we almost have a complete team!  If you think you would be interested in being our "fifth" or better yet being your own team captain and recruiting four others then please contact Marcia Hoffheimer to find out the details!  If you don't want to participate, but would like to make a pledge to one of our fabulous bowlers, then please contact Marcia and she will direct you to one of the team members!
As a member of the team, you will get a free game of bowling and T-shirt!
Contact Information:
Marcia Hoffheimer


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