Shalom everyone.


In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Sunday, June 5, 2005:  Jew Bowl (Football)
    Saturday-Sunday, June 11-12, 2005:  Camping Trip  (Information for Those Who RSVPed by May 21)
    Saturday, June 25, 2005:  Big Brother/Big Sister Bowling Charity Event
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails. 
    Thursday, June 16, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Monday, July 4, 2005:  Fourth of July/Fireworks
    Thursday, July 21, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, July 24, 2005:  Wet 'N Wild Waterpark (Raindate: July 31)
    Sunday, July 31, 2005:  Bagel Brunch (if not going to WNW)
    Thursday, August 11, 2005:  Planning Meeting
    Thursday, August 18, 2005:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, August 21, 2005:  Movie Night/Make Your Own Sundae
    Sunday, August 28, 2005:  Annual Picnic
    TBD:  Canoeing Trip
    TBD:  Scuba


Jew Bowl (Football):
When:  Sunday, June 5, 2005

Time:  11:00 AM

Where:  Lake Crabtree County Park, Morrisville


You have probably never heard of it on the radio, read about it in the newspaper, nor seen it on TV.  However, Jew Bowl is perhaps one of TYJP members’ favorite events.  If you don’t consider yourself to be an athlete or don’t know how to play football, don’t be discouraged; you won’t be the only one.  All we ask is everyone have some fun!

Take I-40 to Exit 285, Aviation Parkway.  Turn right if you're coming from I-40 east, and left if coming from I-40 west (go south, away from the airport). Look for the entrance to Lake Crabtree Park on the left in less than a mile.  Park in the first lot on the right.
For more information, please contact Jeff Kennedy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  RSVPs are not required.


TYJP Camping Trip:
When:  Saturday & Sunday, June 11-12, 2005

Where:  Kerr Lake, County Line Park


Join us for an overnight camping trip - including campfire, camp songs, ghost stories, and s'mores - on Kerr Lake. County Line Park is a 50 min to 1 hour drive Northeast of Raleigh and has very nice, large, wooded campsites right on the lake.  If campsites are to be reserved, which is highly recommended because otherwise there may be none available, Deb will need to drive up to the ranger station at Satterwhite Point, select the sites, and pay in full.  She would like to get her favorite block of sites and therefore, Deb will need to know by Saturday, May 21st if you are going.  She will then drive up Sunday, May 22nd to select the number of campsites needed (two tents are allowed to a site) and make payment.


If you are interested in coming up to Kerr Lake for the day on Saturday but not camping overnight, that's okay, just let Deb know that when you RSVP.  We will have some rafts, floating lounge chairs, etc. to play around with in the water.  


Deb is planning to drive up mid-morning on June 10th and set up camp; others may want to leave/arrive later. 


Please RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by May 21st.  Please indicate in your RSVP how many people are in your party and if you have or if you need a tent (we can assign tent buddies later).  Once I know how many people are coming, we can arrange car pools and tent assignments.  Cost is ~$20 per campsite (because I like to get this particular block of sites that has running water and is close to a bathroom) but the cost can be divided among the number of campers on a site.


Big Brother/Big Sister Bowling Charity Event:
When:  Saturday, June 25, 2005

Time:  TBD

Where:  AMF Lanes South Hills in Cary  (Corrected)


Hello everyone!  As most of you know, Marcia H. has been volunteering for the last few years with Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Each year they have a "Bowl for Kids" fundraiser to help fund programs for the "Bigs and Littles" and to help with other costs.
TYJP is sponsoring at least one team for this event; right now we almost have a complete team!  If you think you would be interested in being our "fifth" or better yet being your own team captain and recruiting four others then please contact Marcia Hoffheimer to find out the details!  If you don't want to participate, but would like to make a pledge to one of our fabulous bowlers, then please contact Marcia and she will direct you to one of the team members!
As a member of the team, you will get a free game of bowling and T-shirt!
Contact Information:
Marcia Hoffheimer


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