Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Saturday, April 29, 2006:  Movie Night/Make Your Own Sundae (RSVPs Required) 
    Saturday, May 27 - Monday, May 29, 2006:  Spring White Water Rafting Trip
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in a subsequent Emails. 
    Thursday, May 18, 2006:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, June 4, 2006:  Adventure Landing Outing
    Sunday, June 11, 2006:  Hike
    Thursday, June 15, 2006:  Happy Hour
    Saturday, June 24, 2006:  Make-Your-Own-Pizza Night
    Tuesday, July 4, 2006:  July 4th Picnic/Fireworks
    Saturday, July 15, 2006:  Durham Bulls Outing
    Thursday, July 20, 2006:  Happy Hour
    Thursday, July 27, 2006:  Craft Night
    Thursday, August 3, 2006:  Board/Planning Meeting
    Sunday, August 6, 2006:  Annual Wet 'n Wild Outing
    Thursday, August 17, 2006:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, August 27, 2006:  Annual Picnic
    Friday, September 15 - Sunday, September 17, 2006:  7th Annual Gauley River White Water Rafting Trip
    Saturday, September 23, 2006:  Rosh Hashanah Potluck Dinner
Also, please mark your calendars for the following community events, which may be of interest to TYJP members; TYJP will organize to attend these:
    Sunday, May 7, 2006:  Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration
    Sunday, May 21, 2006:  Jewish Film Festival
I would like remind everyone that our Happy Hours are held on the third Thursday of each month, unless otherwise specified.  There will be no Happy Hour for the month of April, 2006, as it would conflict with the last day of Passover.
NOTE TO NEW MEMBERS:  If you are new to TYJP, please contact the host of the event or send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyjp at, so we can look out for you.  We would like to ensure your first event is a pleasant and warm experience.
Movie Night/Make Your Own Sundae:
  Saturday, April 29, 2006
  7:00 PM
Where:  Michael C's House (RSVPs Required)   
Join other TYJPers for an evening of movies.  Watch your favorite (or possibly someone else's favorite) movie(s) on Mike's 53", widescreen TV, complete with awesome surround sound.  While we watch the movie(s), we will also partake in making our own ice cream sundaes!  The only thing missing will be the "sticky floor", bubble gum under the chairs, and crying babies (Mike hopes it stays that way!)  For those who do not wish to consume the ice cream, popcorn will be provided.  Soft drinks will also be provided.
This is an RSVP event, so please e-mail Mike at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by April 28.  Due to the limited space available in Mike's living room, only the first 12-15 RSVPs will be accepted.
Movie Details:
If you own your favorite DVD (or VHS tape), please indicate it in your RSVP.  A list of available movies, including those submitted by others, will be sent to those who RSVP.  You will then pick your first, second, and third choices; a final tally will be made before the event.  We will then watch the "People's Choice" movie(s).  By the way, if we have to rent a movie or two, that's fine, too!
Sundae/Food Details:
Bring your favorite ice cream sundae toppings to share.  Basic flavors of ice cream will be provided (vanilla and chocolate); if you want another flavor, please feel free to bring it.
If you don't want either the ice cream or popcorn, please feel free to bring your own favorite movie snack..
If you have any questions, please contact Mike at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Note:  At this time, we have seven (7) RSVPs.
Spring White Water Rafting Trip:
  Saturday, May 27 - Monday, May 29, 2006
Where:  Nolichucky River (Near Erwin, TN and the NC/TN Border) (RSVPs Required)   
Michael C. is in the preliminary planning stage for this White Water rafting trip; more information will be available within the next week or so.  However, he needs to get an initial head count for those that want to go.
"The Nolichucky -- sometimes roaring and surging, other times serene and playful, but always beautiful. The slopes of Mount Mitchell, the highest mountain in the East, are where the main tributaries begin. Then the river turns west and forces its way through the spine-like ridge of the Unaka Mountains that form the boarder between North Carolina and Tennessee. The gorge is lined with towering cliffs above the rapids, the steep mountainsides covered with hardwood forest and the banks lined with flowering laurel and rhododendron." 
The Day trip is eight and one half miles of breathtaking scenery with over twenty-five "adventure" class rapids throughout the heart of the deepest river gorge in the East; it also includes lunch.
The current plan is to camp at an adjoining camp site to the rafting outfitters (they are unrelated).
Please let Michael Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this outing.  RSVPs will be required with the outfitter, but Michael would like to get an initial headcount within the next week so he can initiate our Master Reservation.
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