[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

We have allowed more time for the full paper, to accomodate people  
returning from their summer holidays.

Thorsten & Conor

        Call for papers: Proceedings of TYPES 2006


The Post-Proceedings of the TYPES 2006 Annual Conference
(http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/types06/) will be published, after a formal
refereeing process, as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) series. Previous TYPES post-workshop proceedings include LNCS
volumes 3895, 3085, 2646, 2277, 1657, 1512, 1158, 996 and 806.

We encourage you to submit research papers on the subject of the Types
Coordination Action, see


for details. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics
- applications of type theory
- dependently typed programming
- industrial uses of type theory technology
- meta-theoretic studies of type systems
- implementation of proof-assistants
- automation in computer-assisted reasoning
- links between type theory and functional programming
- formalizing mathematics using type theory

Work within the scope of TYPES that was not presented at the workshop
or whose authors are not formally involved in the Coordination Action
may also be submitted for the proceedings.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  2 September 2006 (abstract and title)
                                               16 September 2006 (full paper)


FINAL VERSION DUE: 1 December 2006

We hope this volume will give a good account of the papers presented
at the conference and of recent research in the field in general. We
invite submission of high quality papers, written in English and
typeset in LaTeX2e using the LNCS style. (See authors Instructions at
http://www.springeronline.com/lncs). Submissions should not have been
published and should not be under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Submissions should be no more than fifteen pages long in
LNCS style. Please email your contribution as a self-contained pdf
file to:


In a separate email, give the title, authors and abstract of your
submission, as well as email address of the corresponding author.
Submissions will be acknowledged (perhaps with some delay).

LNCS is now published in full-text electronic version, as well as
printed books. Thus we will need the final LaTeX source files of
accepted submissions. The final versions of accepted submissions must be
in the LaTeX2e LNCS style, and be as self-contained as possible. With
the  final version you will also be asked to complete a copyright
form for LNCS accepted papers.

We look forward to hearing from you.

       Thorsten Altenkirch
       Conor McBride

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