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- Apologies for multiple copies -

  *** ECOOP 2007 ***

The 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 
2007, http://2007.ecoop.org/, will be in Berlin, Germany, on July 30 
to August 3, 2007.  The deadline for submission of technical papers 
is in one week, and this is the last call for papers.  Two other 
submission deadlines are in two weeks.

Submission dates (firm deadlines):
  - Technical papers: December 13, 2006
  - Workshop proposals: December 20, 2006
  - Tutorial proposals: December 20, 2006

The ECOOP 2007 conference invites high quality technical papers 
presenting research results or experience in all areas relevant to 
object technology, including work that takes inspiration from or 
builds connections to areas not commonly considered object-oriented.  
Submission at http://cyberchairpro.borbala.net/ecooppapers/submit/.  
For more details, please visit http://2007.ecoop.org/mainconf/.

ECOOP 2007 invites proposals for workshops addressing different areas 
of object-oriented technology.  Workshops should serve as a forum for 
exchanging late breaking ideas and theories in an evolutionary stage.  
For more details see http://2007.ecoop.org/workshops/.

ECOOP 2007 invites proposals for tutorials addressing different areas 
of (post) object-orientation.  The purpose of a tutorial is to give a 
deeper or more extensive insight into its area than a conventional 
lecture would do.  Novel topics and topics of broad interest are 
especially welcome.  Details at http://2007.ecoop.org/tutorials/.

For more information about the conference in general, please visit

Erik Ernst                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus
IT-parken,  Aabogade 34,  DK-8200 Aarhus N,  Denmark

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