[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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We are pleased to announce two special events that will be held in  
2007, in Italy and France respectively, in honour of Jean-Yves  
Girard, who celebrates his 60th birthday this year:


Workshop on
Linear Logic, Ludics, Implicit Complexity and Operator Algebras.
Dedicated to Jean-Yves  Girard on his 60th birthday.

University of Siena (Italy) at the Certosa di Pontignano, May 17-20,  

Organizing committee:  Michele Abrusci (Roma III), Claudia Faggian  
(CNRS - Paris 7), Simone Martini (Bologna), Simona Ronchi Della Rocca  
(Torino), Aldo Ursini (Siena, chair)





Journées Jean-Yves Girard
Conference in honour of his 60th birthday

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, September 10 and 11, 2007

Organizing committee: Michele Abrusci (Roma III) Pierre-Louis Curien  
(CNRS - Paris 7, chair), Martin Hyland (Cambridge), Giuseppe Longo  
(ENS, Paris), Mitsu Okada (Keio U., Tokyo), Phil Scott (Univ. of  
Ottawa), Jacqueline Vauzeilles (Paris 13, co-chair)



Both events will be an occasion to celebrate Jean-Yves Girard's deep  
achievements in Mathematics and in Computer Science, and the  
pervasive influence of his ideas in those disciplines and beyond.

The Siena workshop also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the  
completion of his
fundamental paper on Linear Logic. The aim is to gather people  
working in the
many research streams originating from Girard's main achievements of  
the recent years. For each of the four main themes---Linear Logic  
(specifically, Proof Nets and Geometry of Interaction), Ludics,  
Implicit Complexity and Operator Algebras---there will be in-depth  
lectures (3 to 4 hours), with emphasis on the state of the art and  
prospects for future development. There will also be some time for 30- 
minute contributed papers and for discussion of general perspectives  
and philosophical foundations.

This workshop has been organized to complement the celebration in  
Paris, which will take place immediately after Jean-Yves' birthday.  
Through our choice of invited speakers, we hope  to illustrate  the  
wide range of scientific interests of Jean-Yves Girard over thirty- 
five years, from  the complexity of proofs to quantum mechanics, from  
system F to the geometry of computation, from denotational semantics  
to Von Neumann algebras.

The two web sites will provide all details.

Pierre-Louis Curien and Aldo Ursini

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