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                   The 10th Italian Conference on
               Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS'07)
                   Rome, Italy, October 3-5, 2007
                        Final Call for Papers

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract pre-submission: 15 April 2007
Deadline for paper submission: 19 April 2007
Notification of Acceptance: 31 May 2007
Conference: 3-5 October 2007

Conference Web Page:

Electronic Submission Web Page:

The 10th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS'07)
will be held in Rome, Italy. Papers presenting original contributions
in any area of theoretical computer science are being sought.

Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include:
* Algebraic and categorical models;
* Algorithmic aspects of networks;
* Algorithmic game theory;
* Algorithms and data structures;
* Computability;
* Computational complexity;
* Computational biology;
* Computational geometry;
* Cryptography and security;
* Databases, semi-structured data and finite model theory;
* Emerging and non-standard models of computation;
* Experimental analysis of algorithms;
* Formal languages and automata theory;
* Internet algorithmics;
* Logics, formal methods and model checking;
* Models of concurrent, distributed and mobile systems;
* Models of reactive, hybrid and stochastic systems;
* Parallel, distributed and external memory computing;
* Principles of programming languages;
* Program analysis and transformation;
* Quantum computing;
* Specification, refinement and verification
* Type systems and theory, typed calculi.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES.  Only submissions received through the
electronic submission web page will be considered.  Authors must
pre-submit title and plain text abstract by April 15, only these
authors will be allowed to submit an extended abstract (in pdf) by
April 19.

The extended abstract should start with a title page consisting of the
title of the paper; each author's name, affiliation, and email
address; and a brief summary of the results to be presented. This
should then be followed by a technical exposition of the main ideas
and techniques used to achieve the results, including motivation and a
clear comparison with related work. The full extended abstract should
not exceed 12 single-spaced pages.  If more details are needed to
substantiate the main claims of the paper, the submission may include
a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the
program committee. Submissions deviating significantly from these
guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

PROCEEDINGS.  The proceedings of the conference will be published by
World Scientific, and will be available for distribution at the
conference.  The final version of each accepted paper must be
submitted in electronic form conforming to the World Scientific
style and not exceeding 12 pages.

Invited Speakers:
* Giorgio Ausiello
* Rocco de Nicola

Invited Speakers of special session for Coppo-Dezani-Ronchi:
* Henk Barendregt
* Chantal Berline
* Corrado Boehm
* Furio Honsell
* Giuseppe Longo
* Pawel Urzyczyn

Program Committee:
* Marcella Anselmo (Salerno Univ., Italy),
* Alberto Bertoni (Milano Univ., Italy),
* Roberto Bruni (Pisa Univ., Italy),
* Nadia Busi (Bologna Univ., Italy)
* Ferruccio Damiani (Torino Univ., Italy),
* Paola Inverardi (L'Aquila Univ., Italy),
* Giuseppe F. Italiano (Roma "Tor Vergata" Univ., Italy, Co-Chair),
* Irit Katriel (Brown Univ., USA),
* Giovanni Manzini (Univ. Piemonte Orientale, Italy),
* Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (Roma "La Sapienza" Univ., Italy),
* Dimitrios Michail (MPI Saarbruecken, Germany),
* Eugenio Moggi (Genova Univ., Italy, Co-Chair),
* Alberto Momigliano (Edinburgh Univ., UK),
* Piotr Sankowski (Warsaw Univ., Poland),
* Roberto Segala (Verona Univ., Italy),
* Francesca Toni (Imperial College London, UK).

Organizing Committee:
* Fabio Dellutri (Roma "Tor Vergata" Univ.),
* Luigi Laura (Roma "La Sapienza" Univ.),
* Michela Loja (Roma "Tor Vergata" Univ.),
* Maurizio Saltali (Roma "Tor Vergata" Univ.).

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