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                          *** Call for Participation  ***

                           Between Control and Software

                     *** Workshop dedicated to Paul Caspi ***

                       VERIMAG, Grenoble, France 28/09/2007


The relationship between control and computation has been in the focus
of the research of Paul Caspi, leading, among other things, to the
development of the Lustre language which combines the high-level
description of control loops as viewed by the control engineer, with
insights coming from the theory and practice of programming languages. The 
result has led to one of the rare examples of a programming language making it 
way from sound theory to an industrial-strength tool, used in the development 
critical parts of airplanes, nuclear plants, elevators and public transportation

The workshop Between Control and Software, synchronized with the retirement of 
Paul Caspi in autumn 2007, will bring together experts in the field and 
collaborators of Paul at different periods for a series of lectures.

Updated program, as well as registration and accommodation information can be 
found at  the workshop web page. Early registration is until August 31, and the 
number of places is limited.

Tentative Program:


Nicolas Halbwachs, CNRS-VERIMAG
Some Recollections of Paul Caspi

Jacques Pulou, France Telecom R&D
Some Lesser-Known Contributions of Paul Caspi

Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund
How Hard is Control?


Coffee break


Daniel Pilaud, Polyspace Technology
Transfer in the Embedded Market: Past, Present and Possible Trends

Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley, Cadence and Parades
Distributed Control Systems and Industrial Impact




Albert Benveniste, INRIA/IRISA
On Quasi-Synchronous or Loosely-Time-Triggered Architectures

Edward Lee, UC Berkeley
Using the Principles of Synchronous Languages in Discrete-event
and Continuous-time Models

Hermann Kopetz, Vienna
Time and Determinism


Coffee break


 From Control Loop to Software and from Lustre to Temporal Logic

Eugene Asarin, LIAFA
On the Theory of Timed Languages

Joseph Sifakis, CNRS-VERIMAG
The Algebra of Connectors -- Structuring Interaction in BIP (40)

Marc Pouzet, Orsay
On Combining Synchronous and Functional Programming (40)


Dinner in a good restaurant

Oded Maler             VERIMAG, Centre Equation, 2, av. de Vignate,
38610 Gieres, France. Phone: +33 (0) 456 52 03 74 Fax: 456 52 03 44
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~maler

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